沈華文 副教授 (博士學位課程主任) (博士生導師)


辦公室 Office:N座 5F辦公室                                                                     

聯絡電話 Tel.:85902509                                                                       

電子信箱 E-mail:jamesshen@cityu.edu.mo    








2016年9月至今                                 澳門城市大學國際旅遊與管理學院全職助理教授、兼任課程主任

2015年9月至2016年9月                   澳門城市大學國際旅遊與管理學院全職講師

2007年8月至2015年8月                   香港職業訓練局全職講師

2014年1月至2014年8月                   香港馬可波羅酒店培訓導師

2012年9月至2013年8月                   香港理工大學客座講師

2009年9月至2012年7月                   香港公開大學客座講師

















Certified Hospitality Educator (CHE)           美國酒店業協會 American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI)

WSET Level 2                                                  Wine & Spirit Education Trust          



2018/2019年度 澳門城市大學卓越科研嘉許

2017/2018年度 澳門城市大學卓越科研嘉許

2018 入選《澳門城市大學優才發展計劃》(此計劃為期兩年)




  • Ke Shen, Huawen Shen*. (2024). Can emotions be contagious during role transition? Evidence from Huangshan, China. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, Volume 33, September 2024, 100917 (SSCI) (*Corresponding Author)
  • Huawen Shen, Hu Yi. (2024). Short Breaks and microvocations: Scale Development and Validation of micro vacation motivation. Tourism Review. 100917 (Accepted) (SSCI)
  • Qi Yan, Huawen Shen James*, Wu Xin, Haobin Ye Ben. (2024). Examining the ritualized experiences of intangible cultural heritage tourism. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2024, p. 100843 (SSCI) (*Corresponding Author)
  • Deng, C., Shen, H. and Yan, Q. (2023), "Revenge tourism value co-destruction: the role of resilience and altruism", Tourism Review, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/TR-06-2023-0378 (SSCI)
  • Jia, G., Fan, D. X. F., Xu, J., & Shen, J. H. (2023). Tourist prosocial behavior: scale development and its role between tourist destination social exclusion and wellbeing. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1080/09669582.2023.2289357 (SSCI)
  • Zhao, C., & Shen, H.* (2024). The Moderating Effect of Ski Influencer on Ski Tourism Intention. Sage Open, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440241242318 (SSCI) (*Corresponding Author)
  • Deng, C., Shen, J. H., Yan, Q., & Yang, Y. (2024). Stay Healthy, Stay Furbished: Investigating the Co-Created Experiences of Quarantine Hotel Stay and Implications for Post-Pandemic Era. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 1–26. https://doi.org/10.1080/1528008X.2024.2321137 (ESCI)
  • Guo, Q., Shen, H.*, Fan, D. X. F., & Buhalis, D. (2023). CSR influence on job performance: the roles of psychological needs fulfillment and organizational identification among tourism firms. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. ISSN: 0959-6119 DOI: 10.1108/IJCHM-09-2022-1180 (SSCI) (*Corresponding Author)
  • Qi York Yan, Huawen James Shen* & Ben Haobin Ye (2023). Assessing the COVID-19-exacerbated stigma of tourism development as perceived by destination residents, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 31:8, 1963-1982, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2022.2136190 (SSCI) (*Corresponding Author)
  • Yimin Zhao, Kayin Chau, Huawen Shen, Xialei Duan (2023). Relationship between perceived value, satisfaction and behavior intention of homestays in the experience economy of mainland China. Anatolia. 34(2), 263-274. DOI: 10.1080/13032917.2021.2018718 (ESCI)
  • Qi Yan, Huawen Shen, Hu Yunhong (2022) “A home away from hem”: exploring and assessing hotel staycation as the new normal in Covid-19 era. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 34(4): p1607-1628.(SSCI) (Corresponding Author)
  • Huawen Shen, Chen Zhao, Daisy X.F.Fan, Buhalis, D.(2022) The effect of hotel livestreaming on viewers’ purchase intention: Exploring the role of parasocial interaction and emotional engagement. International Journal of Hospitality Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2022.103348
  • Yating Zhang, Huawen Shen, Jiajia Xu & Stella Fang Qian (2022) Antecedents of attitude and their impact on behavioral intention in the staycation context. Frontiers in Psychology. 13:996788 
  • Wenjing Cui, Jing Chen, Yiming Yuan, Huawen Shen (2022) Exploration on the Process of Rural Three-Industry Integration through the Stage of Symbiosis. Hindawi  https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/7419736 (SCI)
  • Cheng Wang, Wenjing Cui, Yating Zhang, Huawen Shen (2022) Exlporing short video apps users’ travel behavior intention: Empirical analysis based on SVA-TAM model. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.912177 (SSCI)
  • Chen Zhao, Huawen Shen, Yating Zhang (2022) The study on the impact of short video tourism Vloggers at social media platform on online sharing intention. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.905002 (SSCI) (Corresponding Author)
  • Kayin Chau, Jingjing Zheng, Dasen Yang, Huawen Shen (2022)  Contingency Approach for Tourism Industry: The application of China model in crisis management during the outbreak and pandemic of COVID-19. Journal of China Tourism Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/19388160.2022.2034698 (ESCI)
  • Deng, C.D., Peng, K.L., & Huawen Shen (2021). Back to a Post-Pandemic City: Revisit Intention of Macau, Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1080/1528008X.2021.2002788.  (ESCI)
  • Qi Yan, Huawen Shen, Ben Ye Haobin, Li Zhou (2021) From axe to awe: assessing the co-effects of awe and authenticity on industrial heritage tourism. Current Issues in Tourism. https://doi.org/10.1080/13683500.2021.1996543 (SSCI)
  • Qi Yan, Huawen Shen, Ben Ye Haobin (2021) Embracing panda—assessing the leisure pursuits of subscribers to China’s iPanda live streaming platform. Leisure Studies, https://doi.org/10.1080/02614367.2021.1998836 (SSCI)
  • Qi Yan, Huawen James Shen (2021) When to get it is to eat it—Assessing brand fit-mediated equity of extended restaurants of a high-end automobile vendor. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 47(2021) 202–209. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhtm.2021.03.017 (SSCI)
  • Jiajia Xu, Huawen Shen(2021) The Impact of Evaluation and Recollection on Smoke-free Hotel Accommodation Experience. Tobacco Regulatory Science.7(6):5903-5913. DOI:10.18001/TRS.7.6.70 (SSCI)
  • Qi Yan, Huawen James Shen and Yunhong Hu (2021) Assessing the Learning Effects of Host Communications on the Green Knowledge and Behavior of Festival Attendees—Evidence from Compulsory Garbage Sorting in China. Sustainability 2021, 13, 1839. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13041839 (SSCI)
  • Jiajia Xu, Huawen Shen (2021) Regional Competition and Sustainable Development of Tourism Industry in the Synthesis of Game Theory. CONVERTER MAGAZINE. Volume 2021, No. 4. ISSN: 0010-8189 (EI)
  • Wenjing Cui, Jing Chen, Tao Xue, Huawen Shen(2021) The Economic Resilience Cycle Evolution and Spatial-Temporal Difference of Tourism Industry in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area from 2000 to 2019. Sustainability 2021, 13(21),12092 (SSCI)
  • JingJing Zheng, Huawen Shen, Ka Yin Chau, Ting Liu, EnLong Li (2021) Factors influencing conative loyalty in anthropology museum tourism. Tourism & Management Studies, 17(2), 2021, 29-40  DOI: https://doi.org/10.18089/tms.2021.170203 (ESCI)
  • Ting Liu, Huawen Shen, Jie Gao (2020) Women's career advancement in hotels: the mediating role of organizational commitment. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.32(8):2543-2561 (SSCI) (通訊作者)
  • Zhao,Y.M.,Chau,K.Y.,Shen, H.W.,Duan, X.L.,& Huang,S.Z.(2020) The influence of tourists' perceived value and demographic characteristics on the homestay industry: A study based on social stratification theory. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. Vol.45: 479-485. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhtm.2020.10.012 (SSCI)
  • Ke Shen, Huawen Shen (2020) Chinese Traditional Village Residents' Behavioral Intention to Support tourism: An extended Model of the theory of planned behavior.Tourism Review. DOI: 10.1108/TR-11-2019-0451 (SSCI) (通訊作者)
  • Jianwei Qian, Rob Law, Jiewen, Wei, Huawen Shen, Yuqin Sun (2020) Hotels' selfpositioned image versus customers' perceived image: a case study of a boutique luxury hotel in Hong Kong. Tourism Review. DOI: 10.1108/TR-02-2019-0078 (SSCI) (通訊作者) 
  • Shi-Zheng Huang, Kayin Chau, Fengsheng Chien, Huawen Shen (2020) The Impact of Starups' Dual Learning on Their Green Innovation Capability: The Effects of Business Executives' Environmental Awareness and Environmental Regulations. Sustainability 12(16),6526 (SSCI) 
  • Huawen James Shen, Libo Yan, Ben Ye Haobin & Qi Yan (2020). We are Wu: assessing Chinese fans' socio-cultural identification with the only Chinese footballer in a top European league. Leisure Studies. DOI: 10.1080/02614367.2020.1820554 (SSCI)
  • Wenjing Cui, Huawen Shen, York.Qi, Shi-zheng Huang (2020). The Impact of E-service quality in P2P accommodation on Customer Behavior Intention: Evidence from Chinese Customers. Revista Argentina De Clinica Psicologica. DOI: 10.24205/03276716.2020.1031 (SSCI) 
  • Ka Yin Chau, Shi-Zheng Huang, Huawen Shen, Man Lai Cheung (2020) A Study into the Development Strategy of Qianhai Cooperation Zone based on Non-cooperative Game. Asian Journal of Business Research 9 (3).
  • 彭康麟, 沈華文, 林明珠 (2020)海峡两岸暨香港、澳門在綫教育的思维與演化:COVID-19的 逆襲反思。旅遊學刊35(5): 6-9 (CSSCI) (通訊作者)
  • York Qi, Huawen Shen, Yun Yang (2019) How 'dama' becomes drama—assessing the ideological forces underlying open air group dances by Chinese senior females. Leisure Studies.39(4):558-567 (SSCI)
  • Jianwei Qian, Huawen Shen, Rob Law, Ka Yin Chau, Xin Wang (2019) Examination of Chinese Tourists' Unsustainable Food Consumption :Causes and Solutions. Sustainability 11(12), 3475 (SSCI) (通訊作者) 
  • Liu Ting, Huawen Shen, Ka Yin Chau, Xin Wang (2019) Measurement Scale Development and Validation of Female Emloyees' Career Expectations in Mainland China. Sustainability 11(10), 2932(SSCI) (通訊作者) 
  • Xin He, Shi-Zheng Huang, Ka Yin Chau, Huawen Shen, Yan-Liang Zhu (2019). A Study on the Effect of Environmental Regulation on Green Innovation Performance: A Case of Green Manufacturing Enterprises in Pearl River Delta in China. Ekoloji 28(107):727- 736 (SCI)
  • 崔文靜,沈華文(2018)。以共創價值打造澳門城市生活與旅游品牌。澳門城市研究。
  • Jianwei Qian, Huawen Shen, Rob Law (2018) Research in Sustainable Tourism: A Longitudinal Study of Articles between 2008 and 2017. Sustainability 10(3),590 (SSCI) (通訊作者)
  • Luo, J.M., Lam, C.F., Chau, K.Y., Shen, H.W., & Wang, X. (2017). Measuring Corporate Social Responsibility in Gambling Industry: Multi-Items Stakeholder Based Scales. Sustainability,9(11),2012.(SSCI) 
  • H.W.Shen., Xi Li, Jian Ming Luo., K.Y.Chau(2016) One Country, Two Stratums— Implications of Social & Cultural Conflicts of Chinese Outbound Tourism to Hong Kong. Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. 6(3),166-169 (SSCI)
  • Wang,X., Shen, H.W., Cui, W.J., Li, J.Y.,& Chen,X.Y.(2017). Crisis and Opportunity of Macao Gambling Industry-Based on History of Gambling Industry in Macao. Journal of Business Theory and Practice, 5(4),281 
  • Xi Li, H.W.Shen, Hui Jun Wen (2016) A Study on Tourists Perceived Authenticity towards Experience Quality and Behavior Intention of Cultural Heritage in Macao. International Journal of Marketing Studies. Vol 8 (4):117-123
  • Jian Ming Luo, Xi Li, H.W.Shen (2016) Corporate Social Responsibility in Macau' s Gambling Industry. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism. Vol 17(3):237-256 (ESCI) 
  • H.W.Shen, Jian Ming Luo, Ai Min Zhao (2016) The Sustainable Tourism Development in Hong Kong: An Analysis of Hong Kong Residents' Attitude Towards Mainland Chinese Tourist. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Toruism. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1528008X.2016.1167650
  • Q.Yan., H.W.Shen (2016) Assessing Hotel Cost Control through Value Engineering (VE): A Case Study on the Budget Hotels in a Middle-sized City in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. Vol 21 (5): 512-523 (SSCI)
  • C.Chen, H.W.Shen, X.F.Fan (2015) Hai Di Lao Hot Pot: From Employee Stimulation to Service Innovation. Journal of China Tourism Research.(通訊作者) 
  • H.W.Shen (2015) Critical Successful for leading hotel brands in Asian: A case study of Banyan Tree. International Journal of Marketing Studies. Vol 7 No 3
  • H.W.Shen, J.M.Luo (2015) Evaluating the Quality of Hospitality and Tourism Education in Vocational Institute in China. International Journal of Marketing Studies. Vol 7 No 3 
  • H.B Ye, H.Q.Zhang, H.W.Shen (2014) Does social identity affect residents' attitude toward tourism development? Evidence from the relaxation of the Individual Visit Scheme.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol 26 Issue 6 Page 6 (SSCI) 
  • H.Q. Zhang, L.P. Ren, H.W. Shen, Qu Xiao (2013) What contributes to the success of Home Inns in China. International Journal of Hospitality Management Vol33 Page 425- Page 434 (SSCI)


論著類 (專著 編著、譯著、教材、工具書)

  • Luo, J.M., Chau, K. Y., & Shen, H.W.(2017). The Challenges and Issues of Tourism Development in China. New York: Nova Science Publishers. 



  • Xuelin XIAN, Huawen SHEN (2020). Assessing Intentional Use of AR in Cultural Heritage Learning. The 6th International Symposium on Educational Technology (ISET)
  • X Li., M.Q. Yuen, H.W.Shen (2016). A Study on Tourists Perceived Authenticity towards Experience Quality and Behavior Intention of Cultural Heritage in Macao. Proceeding of the 14th APacChrie. 
  • Jian Ming Luo., H.W.Shen., G., Huang, A., Yin (2016) Organizational Culture Impact on CSR Practise in Gaming Industry:A Case Study in Macau. Proceeding of The 15th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students Research in Tourism. 
  • H.W. Shen, H.Q. Zhang, J.M. Luo (2015) The Perceived Ethnic Identity and Residents' Attitude towards the relaxation of Individual Visit Scheme: Evidence from four different types of Hong Kong residents. 2015 Annual ICHRIE Summer Conference & Marketplace
  • H.W. Shen, H.Q. Zhang, J.M. Luo (2015) Evaluating the Quality of Hospitality and Tourism Education in Vocational Institute in China. 2015 Annual ICHRIE Summer Conference & Marketplace
  • H.W. Shen, H. B. Ye, H.Q. Zhang (2013) Perceived self-identity, perceived cultural distance and residents' attitude toward tourism development: evidence from relaxation of Individual Visit Scheme to Hong Kong. 1st World Conference on Hospitality, Tourism and Event Research and International Convention and Expo Summit 2013 
  • H.W.Shen, H.Q.Zhang, L.P.REN (2012) Residents' Attitude towards Mainland Chinese Tourists in Hong Kong. CAUTHE 2012, the 22nd Annual Conference
  • L.P.Ren, H.W.Shen, H.Q.Zhang (2011) What contributes to the success of Home Inns in China? Asia Pacific Tourism Association conference 2011, the 17th Annual Conference



  • 2023-2024  Research on the mechanism and implementation path of emerging technologies empowering tourism service innovation (Macau Foundation) —CI
  • 2022-2023  Research on strategies for sustainable development of tourism in the Greater Bay Area based on epidemic impact assessment (Macau Foundation) —CI
  • 2021-2022 Quality Enhancement of online tourism education Students' Well-being in the Great Bay Area: A Framework (Macao SAR Government Education Fund-Specialized Subsidy Scheme for the Tourism Education and Training for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area) —PI
  • 2020-2021學年:項目負責人。基於UTAUT2模型的用戶使用短視頻平臺做旅遊規劃的行為研究。 澳門高等教育局高等教育基金粵港澳大灣區旅遊教育培訓專項資助。
  • 2020-2021 The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Job Performance in tourism context (Macau Foundation)  —PI
  • 2019-2020學年:項目負責人。網絡口碑對旅遊產品購買意願影響研究(The Impact of e-WOM on Purchase Intention: Analysis of the Adoption of Online Reviews on Travel Decisions in China)。澳門基金會。(完成) 
  • 2018-2019學年:項目負責人。粵港澳大灣區共享經濟發展-P2P住宿電子服務品質,感知風險, 電子信任度與用戶行為意向關係的研究(The Development of Sharing Economy in GuangdongHong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: Electronic Service Quality, Perceived Risk, eTrust, and Behaviour Intention in Peer-to-Peer Accommodation)。澳門基金會。(完成)
  • 2017-2018學年:項目負責人。從社會和經濟層面分析內地旅遊市場在澳門的可持續性發展(The Sustainable Tourism Development in Macau: An Analysis of Social and Economic Dimensions of Travel by Mainland Chinese)。澳門基金會。(完成)
  • 2017-2018學年:項目組成員。2017年澳門連鎖加盟產業運營調研報告。澳門連鎖加盟商會。(完成) 
  • 2016-2017學年:項目組成員。Social Impact of the Individual Visit Scheme (IVS) of Chinese Mainland Tourists。澳門基金會。(完成)
  • 2016-2017學年:項目組成員。Developing the Macau Corporate Social Responsibility Index for Gaming Industry。澳門基金會。(完成)
  • 2015-2016學年:項目組成員。文化遺產地遊客感知原真性對體驗品質及行為意向的影響研究。 澳門基金會。(完成) 



  • Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism
  • Journal of China Tourism Research



  • Guest Editor- Journal of City Research of Macau



  • International CHRIE Conference
  • The Annual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism