張濤 高級講師 (碩士生導師)


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電子信箱 E-mail:tzhang@cityu.edu.mo      







2024年8月至今                  澳門城市大學國際旅遊與管理學院高級講師                                           

2015年至2024年                澳門城市大學國際旅遊與管理學院助理教授                                                                          

2007年至2014年                澳門科技大學酒店和旅遊管理學院助理教授

2001年至2007年                浙江萬里學院商學院

2000年至2001年                上海理工大學商學院












註冊會展經理(CEM) (國際展覽聯盟)

Best Presentation Award. ICCHTH2017: 19th International Conference on Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, International Science Research and Experimental Development, Singapore

Best Presentation Award. ICHL 2017: 19th International Conference on Hospitality Leadership, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 24-25, 2017.



註冊會展經理 (CEM) (International Association of Exhibitions and Events) 




  • Zhang T, Wang Y, Xie Y. (2024).“Raising the Curtain”: The service theater model as a tool of industrial tourism and effects on customer experience. Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development. 8(6): 4513. https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i6.4513
  • 張濤 (2024). 加大培養專業會展人才,助力澳門會展業發展. 澳門月刊, 30(2), 48-49.
  • 張濤,謝羽萌,王藝(2024). 基於SOR模型的工業旅遊體驗和遊客行爲意向研究.世界博彩與旅遊研究,1,77-92.
  • Wei, C., & Zhang, T. (2023). Authenticity and Quality of Industrial Heritage as the Drivers of Tourists' Loyalty and Environmentally Responsible Behavior. Sustainability, 15(11), 8791. MDPI AG. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su15118791 (SSCI)
  • Zhang T., Wei C., & Nie L. (2022). Experiencing authenticity to environmentally responsible behavior: Assessing the effects of perceived value, tourist emotion, and recollection on industrial heritage tourism. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1081464 (SSCI)
  • Tao Zhang (2022) An expanded eventscape framework as the driver of attachment and loyalty to mass-participation sporting events, Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/15470148.2022.2085832(ESCI)
  • 张涛. 文化节庆提升国家认同:澳门叙事与组织策略[J]. 山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2021(03):82-90. (ZHANG Tao(2021). Promoting National Identity Through Cultural Festivals: Macau Narrative and Organizational Strategy. Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences (3), 82-90)(CSSCI)
  • 淦凌霞,张涛. 社区支持视角下民俗节事服务生态系统研究[J]. 西北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2021(01):141-147. (GAN Lingxia, ZHANG Tao (2021) Analysis of Service Ecosystem of Folk Festival and Special Events from the Perspective of Community Support. Journal of Northwest Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)(1), 141-147.)(CSSCI)
  • 刘辛元,张涛.冼夫人文化遗产原真性感知与游客行为意向关系的实证研究[J].广东石油化工学院学报,2021,31(02):70-75.(LIU Xinyuan, ZHANG Tao(2021). An Empirical Study on the Relationship between the Authenticity of Madam Xian's Cultural Heritage and Tourists' Behavioral Intention. Journal of Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, 31(2), 70-75.)
  • Hu, B.; Huang, W.; Yan, S.; Liu, G.; Zhang, T.(2020) Business Model Design and Customer Loyalty: The Mediating Role of Customer Citizenship Behavior. Sustainability 2020, 12, 7047; DOI: 10.3390/su12177047 (SSCI)
  • Hu, B.; Zhang, T.*, Yan, S. (2020). How Corporate Social Responsibility Influences Business Model Innovation: The Mediating Role of Organizational Legitimacy. Sustainability, 12(7), 2667; DOI: 10.3390/su12072667 (SSCI)
  • Zhang, T., Chen, J., & Hu, B. (2019). Authenticity, Quality, and Loyalty: Local Food and Sustainable Tourism Experience. Sustainability, 11(12), 3437; DOI: 10.3390/su11123437 (SSCI)
  • Zhang, T *, Wen, Huijun and Li, Xi (2019). A Tourist-Based Model of Authenticity of Heritage Sporting Events: The Case of Naadam. Sustainability 2019, 11(1), 108; DOI: 10.3390/su11010108 (SSCI)
  • 张涛,李玺,温慧君. 民俗节庆原真性对游客体验的影响研究—以那达慕为例[J]. 干旱区资源与环境,2019,33(06):192-197.(ZHANG Tao;LI Xi;WEN Huijun(2019). Study on the impact of folk festival authenticity on tourism experience. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 33(6), 192-197.) (CSSCI)
  • 張濤, 陳韻婷(2017). 全景型節事場景的維度及其對遊客滿意度的影響研究. 旅遊論壇, 10(5): 20-27.
  • 張濤, 林巍(2017). 農村婦女工作家庭衝突、彈性就業與扶貧策略——以鄉村旅遊產業為例. 農村經濟與科技, 28(21): 197-201.
  • Tao Zhang & Si TANG & Yufeng ZHANG & Jiahua JIN(2017). A Study of The Hotel Staff's Work Stress, Perceived Organizational Support and Work Efficacy: Case Study of Macao. International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research. Vol 2(3): 755-770.
  • Xiaohong Wu, and Tao Zhang(2017). Work Stress and Job Satisfaction of Empoyees in Hospitality: A Comparative Study of the Casino Hotels and Non-Casino Hotels in Macau. International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management Research. Vol 2(3): 646-657.
  • Tao Zhang and Nan Yan (2016). The Effect of Religious Tourist Motivation and Satisfaction on Behavioral Intention. International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, 10(8), 2885 - 2888. (International Science Index)
  • 張濤. 中國旅遊發展筆談——旅遊節事的國際化與本土化(一),旅遊學刊,2013年第6期,3-11頁(CSSCI)
  • 張濤. 飲食旅遊動機對遊客滿意度和行為意向的影響研究,旅遊學刊,2012年第10期,78-84頁(CSSCI)
  • 張濤. 文化產業視野下的世遺保護和旅游發展,旅遊學刊,2012年第4期,9-10頁(CSSCI)
  • 張濤. 美食節感知質量及其提升策略研究,旅遊學刊,2010年第12期,58-62頁(CSSCI)
  • 張濤. 提升顾客价值强化节事影响,旅遊學刊,2009年第2期,7-8頁(CSSCI)
  • 張濤 賈生華. 節事消費者感知價值的維度和測量研究, 旅遊學刊, 2008年第5期,74-78頁 (CSSCI)
  • 張濤. 會展服務滿意度測評研究—以澳門國際貿易投資展覽會為例,旅遊論壇,2011年1期,24-27頁(RCCSE)
  • 張濤 賈生華. 節事消費者感知價值對顧客滿意的影響機制研究, 旅遊論壇, 2008年1期,28-32頁(RCCSE)
  • 張濤 王心. 會議的增收策略,中國會展, 2008(22), 52-53.
  • 張濤 王心.澳門藝術類展覽掠影. 中國會展, 2008(20), 26-28.
  • 張濤 王心. 澳門會展業的義工培訓. 九鼎月刊,2009年5期


  • Wang, YingChuan. & Zhang, Tao (2017). A Study on exploring employees' well-being in gaming workplaces prior to and after the Chinese government crackdowns on corruption. 19th International Conference on Hospitality Leadership (ICHL 2017). August, 24-25, 2017 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Tao ZHANG & Si TANG & Yufeng ZHANG & Jiahua JIN(2017). A Study of The Hotel Staff's Work Stress, Perceived Organizational Support and Work Efficacy: A Case Study of Macao. The ICHMB 2017: 19th International Conference on Hospitality Management and Business, Singapore, Mar 29-30.
  • Tao Zhang & Fen Zhang(2017). The Effect of Physical Evidence of Themed Casino Hotels on Customer Value and Satisfaction. The ICCHTH 2017: 19th International Conference on Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, Singapore, May 4 – 5.
  • Xiao Hong Wu & Tao Zhang(2017). A Comparative study to employees' work stress of the casino hotels and non-casino hotels. The ICCHTH 2017: 19th International Conference on Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, Singapore, May 4 – 5.
  • Ying Chuan Wang & Tao Zhang(2017). A Study on the Relationship between Employees' Work Pressure and Corporate Social Responsibility at Gaming and Hospitality Workplaces in Macao Prior and After the Chinese Government Crackdowns on Corruption. Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) 2017 Annual Conference, Busan, Korea, 18-21 June.
  • Tao Zhang and Nan Yan. The effect of religious tourist motivation and satisfaction on behavioral intention. International Conference on Management, Hospitality, and Tourism (ICMHT 2016), Aug. 18-19, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Xinrong Zong and Tao Zhang. A study of female casino dealers' job stress and job satisfaction – the case of Macau. International Conference on Management, Hospitality, and Tourism (ICMHT 2016), Aug. 18-19, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Tao Zhang. How Tourists Assess the E-government Service Quality of Weather Forecast? International Conference on Information Technology and Electronic Commerce (ICITEC 2013), Dec 28-29, 2013, Harbin, China.(EI index)
  • 張濤. 節事動機研究述評與展望,2011《旅遊學刊》中國旅遊研究年會,北京
  • Tao Zhang. A Study on Motivation of Meeting and Exhibition Attendees in Macao, International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS), Aug 24-26. 2010, Wuhan, China. (EI Index)
  • Tao Zhang. A Strategic Use of Special Event within Food Service: A Case Study of Culinary Tourism in Macao, International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE), pp.4145-4148, 26-28 Dec. 2009, Dalian, China. (EI Index)
  • Tao Zhang. The Festival Experience: An Analysis of Value Dimensions, Perceived Value and Satisfaction, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM '08). Oct. 12-14, 2008 (EI index)
  • 張濤. 從美食之城到饕餮天堂——澳門美食旅遊發展回顧與展望, “腾飞的澳门:回歸十年的回顧與展望”國際學術研討會,澳門, 2009年4月21-22日
  • 張濤 王心. 澳門會展業義工培訓的現狀、問題和對策. 第六屆成人教育與社會發展國際研討會,澳門,2008年11月24-25日
  • Tao Zhang. A Two-Factor Effect Model of Festival Perceived Value on Satisfaction. Global Events Congress Ⅲ & China Event Education Conference Ⅲ. Guangzhou, China on Nov. 17-19, 2008
  • Tao Zhang. A Study of Government e-Services Quality and Its Effect on Public Satisfaction. The third international conference on “Public Management in the 21st century: Opportunities and Challenges”, Macau, China on Oct 14-15, 2008.
  • Yongdong Shi & Tao Zhang. Research on Appraisal Index System of Social Credit for Macao's NGOs. The third international conference on “Public Management in 21st century: Opportunities and Challenges”, Macau, China on Oct 14-15, 2008. (Second Author)
  • Tao Zhang. Dimensions of Consumer Perceived Value toward Festivals. 2nd International Conference in MICE Tourism Education and Industry Development in the Asia Pacific Region, Macau, China on Nov. 27-29, 2007
  • Shenghua Jia and Tao Zhang. Government online service quality and customer satisfaction: An investigation of three Chinese governmental portal websites. International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, Oct. 26-28, 2006, Troyes, France. (EI Index)


  • ​A Study on the Impact of the Authenticity of Cultural Heritage on Tourist Satisfaction and e-WOM (MF1928), 2019-2020, Macau Foundation. CI.
  • Festival and Food Tourism: the impact of Authenticity on Tourist Satisfaction and Loyalty (MF1822), 2018-2019, Macau Foundation. CI.
  • A Study of the Relationship of Employees' Working Pressure, Satisfaction and Happiness in Macau Casino Hotels. Macau Foundation. CI.
  • A Study of the Relationship of Employees' Satisfaction and Guest Satisfaction in Macau Casino Hotels. Macau Foundation. CI
  • A Study of Service Quality of Food Festival. Macau Foundation. CI
  • A Study of Food Tourist Satisfaction in Macau. Macau Foundation. CI
  • Developing the Visitor Satisfaction Index of Macau Exhibitions. Macau Foundation. CI