李軍,博士、教授、碩士研究生導師,學校青年拔尖人才,現任華南師範大學旅遊管理學院會展經濟與管理系主任。佛羅裏達州立大學Dedman 接待業管理學院博士後。於澳門大學、華南理工大學和海南大學,分别獲得工商管理博士學位,旅遊管理碩士及學士學位。現擔任國際SSCI 期刊《International Journal of Hospitality Management》(Q1, 影響因子10.427) 協理編輯,SSCI 期刊《Journal of Destination Marketing & Management》(Q1, 影響因子7.158)和《Tourism Analysis》編委會委員。主要研究興趣包括人文地理、文旅康養、人力資源管理、媒介營銷、港澳分析、目的地管理等。李軍教授已在SSCI 索引期刊發表研究論文四十餘篇,其中包括《Tourism Management》、《International Journal of Hospitality Management》、《International Journal of Contemporary HospitalityManagement》、《Journal of Destination Marketing & Management》等SSCI Q1 期刊。2017 年被《International Journal of Hospitality Management》評爲“傑出審稿人(Outstanding Reviewer)”。
研究成果分别獲中共中央宣傳部 (2021 年9 月1 日、2022 年2 月14 日、2022 年8 月11 日、2022 年8 月15 日、2022 年10 月11 日、2023 年3 月22 日)、中央統戰部 (2022 年 1 月7 日)、中央某部委(涉密,2022 年8 月31 日)、廣東省網信辦(2022 年2 月10 日)、廣東省委辦公廳(2022 年6 月2 日)、廣東省文旅廳(2022 年5 月24 日)等政府部門圈閱或綜合采納。關於《構建廣州國際大都市開放發展品牌形象的路徑與建議》獲廣東省委常委、廣州市市委書記林克慶同志及廣州市市長郭永航同志批示(2022 年9 月8 日)。關於《深化粵港澳大灣區軟硬聯通的問題、機遇和建議》獲廣東省委常委、廣東省委副書記、深圳市市委書記孟凡利同志批示(2023 年3 月24 日)。關於《當前******及應對建議》獲廣東省委常委、廣東省宣傳部部長陳建文同志批示(2023 年3 月15 日)。
現主持2021 年度國家社科基金後期資助項目《後疫情時代旅遊業複蘇路徑與創新驅動研究》,2021 年度國家社科基金重大項目《革命老區“紅色文化+旅遊”融合發展研究》子課題四《革命老區“紅色文化+旅遊”融合發展格局、機制和路徑研究》,廣東省自然科學基金2022 年度面上項目《轉型期珠(海)澳(門)跨境群體的身份構建與地方響應》,廣東省哲學社會科學“十三五”規劃2019 年度課題《基於全鏈追蹤、平台聯動、情感互動機制的企業智能化營銷體系建構——以粵港澳大灣區爲例》,文化和旅遊部科技教育司2019 年度課題《新時代文旅融合背景下旅遊人才培養模式創新研究》、2022年度廣州市哲學社會科學“十四五”規劃項目(2022 年度決策咨詢研究重點課題)《廣州文化産業數字化轉型研究》、2022 年度廣東省社會科學院江門分院2022 年度 “雙區”研究專項課題《推動江門與港澳先進制造業和現代服務業合作的路徑研究》、2021 年度佛山市社科規劃項目《文旅融合助推綠色經濟高質量發展的對策研究》、2021 年廣州市教育研究院重點課題《粵港澳大灣區基礎教育合作機制研究》等縱向項目及彙景集團2021 年和珠海市自然資源局2021 年委托橫向課題。
本科生課程/Undergraduate Courses:
新媒體素養/New Media Literacy
新媒體與社會/New Media and Society
酒店新媒體營銷/New Media Marketing in Hospitality Industry
旅遊研究方法/Tourism Research Methodology
國際接待業研究熱點與前沿/Emerging Trends in Hospitality Management Research
定量研究:路徑與方法/Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods
多層線性模型HLM/Fundamentals of Hierarchical Linear and Multilevel Modeling
研究生課程/Graduate Courses:
管理學原理與方法/ Management Principles and Methods
旅遊學科發展與前沿/ The Development and Frontier of Tourism Discipline
中國旅遊産業經濟熱點議題/ The Hot Topics in Tourism Industry
- 主持2021年度國家社會科學基金後期資助項目《後疫情時代旅遊業複蘇路徑與創新驅動研究》(2021年10月—2023年10月),項目批準号21FGLB063, 在研.
- 主持2021年度國家社科基金重大項目《革命老區“紅色文化+旅遊”融合發展研究》子課題四《革命老區“紅色文化+旅遊”融合發展格局、機制和路徑研究》(2021年12月—2026年12月) , 項目批準号21&ZD179,在研.
- 主持2022年度廣東省自然科學基金項目《轉型期珠(海)澳(門)跨境群體的身份構建與地方響應》(2022年1月—2024年12月) , 項目批準号2022A1515010376, 在研.
- 主持2019年度廣東省哲學社會科學“十三五”規劃項目《基於全鏈追蹤、平台聯動、情感互動機制的企業智能化營銷體系建構——以粵港澳大灣區爲例》(2019年12月—2022年12月), 項目批準号GD19CGL31, 結項, 良好等次.
- 主持文化和旅遊部科技教育司2019年度課題《新時代文旅融合背景下旅遊人才培養模式創新研究》(2019年10月—2020年10月) , 結項.
- 主持2022年度廣州市哲學社會科學“十四五”規劃項目(2022年度決策咨詢研究重點課題)《廣州文化産業數字化轉型研究》(2022年6月—2023年5月), 項目批準号2022JCZX34, 在研.
- 2022年度廣東省社會科學院江門分院2022年度 “雙區”研究專項課題《推動江門與港澳先進制造業和現代服務業合作的路徑研究》(2022年6月—2022年10月) , 項目批準号SKY202215, 在研.
- 主持2021年度廣州市教育研究院重點課題《粵港澳大灣區基礎教育合作機制研究》(2021年7月—2022年10月),項目批準号GBAJY-ZD202001, 結項.
- 主持2021年度佛山市社科規劃項目《文旅融合助推綠色經濟高質量發展的對策研究》(2021年7月—2021年12月),項目批準号2021-QN06, 結項.
- 主持2022年度華南師範大學哲學社會科學優秀學術著作出版基金資助項目《消費者視角下的粵港澳大灣區旅遊目的地形象定位與管理》, 項目批準号skxszz2204, 在研.
- 主持華南師範大學工會教代會工作創新研究2020-2021年度課題《互聯網背景下教職工文化建設對策研究》(2020年8月—2021年7月) ,項目批準号GK20001, 結項.
- 主持華南師範大學2021年度黨建創新課題《心理契約視角下高校“雙帶頭人”教師黨支部書記培育機制建構與實踐》(2021年9月—2022年9月) , 在研.
- 主持貴州索瑪金蘭投資有限公司2023年度課題:候鳥老人的生活适應與幸福感課題調研,(2023年4月—2023年5月)
- 主持彙景集團有限公司2020年度課題:多元化戰略視角下彙景控股的文旅地産運營模式分析,(2020年9月—2021年5月) 已結項.
- 主持珠海自然資源局2021年度委托課題:珠海海洋科技創新體系建設研究項目,(2021年8月—2021年12月) 已結項.
英文期刊論文/Selected Refereed Journal Publications
- Haldorai, K., Kim, W.G., Agmapisarn, C., & Li, J.(J). * (2023). Fear of COVID-19 and employee mental health in quarantine hotels: Role of self-compassion and psychological resilience at work. International Journal of Hospitality Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2023.103491. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 9.237; Published by Elsevier).
- Li, J.(J)., Bonn, M., Wang, J., & Cho, M.H. (2023). Food delivery application user segmentation in the mobile marketing world in China. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 28(2), 484‒501. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 1.325; Published by Taylor & Francis).
- Liu, X.M., Yu, J., He, M., Guo, Q., & Li, J.(J). * (2022). Employee Engagement, its Antecedents and Effects on Business Performance in Hospitality Industry: A Multilevel Analysis. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. (In Press). (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 6.514; Published by Emerald).
- Haldorai, K., Kim, W.G., & Li, J.(J). * (2022). I’m broken inside but smiling outside: Does workplace ostracism promote pro-social behavior?. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 101. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 9.237; Published by Elsevier).
- Wei, L., Hao, Y.(D)., Zhu, H., & Li, J.(J).* (2021). Differences in game consumption patterns between North and South China. British Food Journal, 123(8), 2818‒2830. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 2.518; Published by Emerald).
- Li, J.(J)., Kim, W.G., & Choi, H.M. (2021). Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing on Enhancing Performance: Evidence from a Casual-dining Restaurant Setting. Tourism Economics, 27(1), 3‒22. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 4.438; Published by Sage).
- Wang, Y.G., Cai, X.M., Xu, C.L., & Li, J.(J). * (2021). Rise of the machines: examining the influence of professional service robots attributes on consumers' experience. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 12(4), 609‒623. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 4.260; Published by Emerald).
- Xie, X.R., Cai, X.M., Zhu, H., & Li, J.(J). * (2021). Motivation-based segmentation of gamemeat consumers: A look at the beliefs of food consumers during the COVID-19 crisis in China. Veterinary Medicine and Science, 7(5), 1980‒1988. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 1.950; Published by Wiley).
- Zhang, X.P., Lin, L., Zhang, R.T., Li, J.(J) ., * & He, B. (2021). e-service quality perceptions of millennials and non-millennials on O2O delivery applications. British Food Journal, 123(12), 4116‒4134. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 2.518; Published by Emerald).
- Zhuang, X.P., Hou, X.N., Feng, Z.H., Lin, Z.X., & Li, J.(J). * (2021) Subjective norms, attitudes, and intentions of AR technology use in tourism experience: the moderating effect of millennials. Leisure Studies, 40(3), 392‒406. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 2.949; Published by Taylor & Francis).
- Wen, S.X., Cai, X.M., & Li, J.(J). (2021). Pro-Poor Tourism and Local Practices: An Empirical Study of an Autonomous County in China. Sage Open, 11(2). (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 1.356; Published by Sage).
- Haldorai, K., Kim, W.G., Phetvaroon, K., & Li, J.(J). * (2020). Left out of the office “tribe”: the influence of workplace ostracism on employee work engagement. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(8), 2717‒2735. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 6.514; Published by Emerald).://d
- Youn, H.W., Yin, R., Kim, J.H., & Li, J.(J). * (2020). Examining Traditional Restaurant Diners' Intention: An Application of the VBN Theory. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 85. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2019.102360. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 9.237; Published by Elsevier).
- Zou, W.C., Houghton, J.D., & Li, J.(J). * (2020). Workplace spirituality as a means of enhancing service employee well-being through emotional labor strategy choice. Current Psychology. DOI: 10.1007/s12144-020-01069-5 (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 4.297; Published by Springer).o10.1177/
- Li, J.(J)., Bonn, M., & Kim, J.H. (2020). A Latent Class Segmentation Analysis of Gamblers in a Gambling Destination. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 16. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 6.952; Published by Elsevier).021102274
- Li, J., Li, J.(J)., Xie, X.R., Cai, X.M., Huang, J., Tian, X.M., & Zhu, H. (2020). Game Consumption and the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30063-3. (Co-first Author; Indexed in SCI; IF = 25.071; Published by Elsevier).
- Ye, H.B., Tang, W.S., Li, J.(J)., * & Hong, Z. ** (2020). Leader humility, team humility and employee creative performance: The moderating roles of task dependence and competitive climate. Tourism Management, 81(6). (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 10.967; Published by Elsevier).
- Li, J.(J)., Bonn, M., & Kim, J.H. (2020). A latent class segmentation analysis of gamblers in a gambling destination. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 16(2). (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 6.952; Published by Elsevier).
- Kim, W.G., McGinley, S., Choi, H.M., Luberto, E., & Li, J.(J). * (2020). How does room rate and rate dispersion in U.S. hotels fluctuate? Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 44(3), 227‒237. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 5.959; Published by Elsevier).
- Kim, J.H., & Li, J.(J). * (2020). The Influence of Contemporary Negative Political Relations on Ethnic Dining Choices. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 44(4), 644‒665. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 5.161; Published by Sage).
- Haldorai, K., Kim, W.G., Chang, H.S., & Li, J.(J). * (2020). Workplace spirituality as a mediator between ethical climate and workplace deviant behavior. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 86. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 9.237; Published by Elsevier).
- Xie, X.R., Huang, L.M., Li, J.(J)., * & Hong, Z. ** (2020). Generational Differences in Perceptions of Food Health/Risk and Attitudes toward Organic Food and Game Meat: The Case of the COVID-19 Crisis in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9). (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 3.390; Published by MDPI).
- Cho, M.H., Bonn, M., & Li, J.(J). * (2020). Examining Risk-Reduction Behavior Toward Water Quality Among Restaurant Guests. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 61(3), 255‒270. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 3.646; Published by Sage).
- Li, J.(J)., Bonn, M., & Ye, H.B. (2019). Hotel Employee’s Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Awareness and its Impact on Turnover Intention: the Moderating Roles of Perceived Organizational Support and Competitive Psychological Climate. Tourism Management, 73, 172‒181. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 10.967; Published by Elsevier).
- Li, J.(J)., & Kim, J.H. (2019). A Cross-level Analysis of Management Commitment and Work Ability among Senior Casino Dealers in Macau. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(5), 2095‒2113. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 6.514; Published by Emerald).
- Shi, T.T., He, B., & Li, J.(J). * (2019). Exotic or Home? Tourists’ Perception of Guest Houses, Guest Houses Loyalty, and Destination Loyalty in Remote Tourist Destinations. Sustainability, 11(14), 1‒16. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 2.592; Published by MDPI).
- Cho, M.H., Bonn, M., & Li, J.(J). * (2019). Differences in Perceptions About Food Delivery Apps Between Single-person and Multi-person Households. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 77, 108‒116. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 9.237; Published by Elsevier).
- Zhuang, X.P, Lin, L., & Li, J.(J). * (2019). Puri vs. Varanasi Destinations: Local Residents’ Perceptions, Overall Community Satisfaction and Support for Tourism Development. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 24(1), 127‒142. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 0.971; Published by Taylors & Francis).
- Zhuang, X.P., Yao, Y., & Li, J.(J). * (2019). Sociocultural Impacts of Tourism on World Cultural Heritage Sites in China. Sustainability, 11(3), 1‒18. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 3.251; Published by MDPI).
- Li, J.(J)., Liu, X.M, & Ali, F. (2018). Work-related Attitudes and Behaviors: Empirical Evidence from a Casino Destination. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 9, 175‒183. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 6.952; Published by Elsevier).
- Liu, X.M, & Li, J.(J). * (2018). Host Perceptions of Tourism Impact and Stage of Destination Development in a Developing Country. Sustainability, 10(7), 1‒15. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 3.251; Published by MDPI).
- Ali, F., Kim, W.G., Li, J.(J) ., & Cobanoglu, C. (2018). A Comparative Study of Covariance Based and Partial Least Squares Based Structural Equation Modelling in Hospitality Research and Tourism Research. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(1), 416‒435. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 6.514; Published by Emerald).
- Ali, F., Kim, W.G., Li, J., & Jeon, H.M. (2018). Make it Delightful: Customer’s Experience, Satisfaction and Loyalty in Malaysian Theme Parks. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 7(1), 1‒11. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 6.952; Published by Elsevier).
- Shi, T.T., Liu, X.M, & Li, J.(J). * (2018). Market Segmentation by Travel Motivations Under a Transforming Economy: Evidence from the Monte Carlo of the Orient. Sustainability, 10(10), 1‒11. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 3.251; Published by MDPI).
- Li, J.(J)., Kim, W.G., & Zhao, X.Y. (2017). A Multilevel Model of Management Support and Casino Employees’ Turnover Intention. Tourism Management, 59(2), 193‒204. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 10.967; Published by Elsevier).
- Li, J.(J)., Wong, I.A., & Kim, W.G. (2017). Does Mindfulness Reduce Emotional Exhaustion? A Multilevel Analysis of Emotional Labor Among Casino Employees. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 64(4), 21‒30. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 9.237; Published by Elsevier).
- Kim, W.G., Li, J.(J)., Han, J. & Kim, Y. (2017). The Influence of Recent Hotel Amenities and Green Practices on Guests’ Price Premium and Revisit Intention. Tourism Economics, 23(3), 577‒593. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 4.438; Published by Sage).
- Li, J.(J)., Wong, I.A., & Kim, W.G. (2016). Effects of Psychological Contract Breach on Attitudes and Performance: the Moderating Role of Competitive Climate. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 55(4), 1‒10. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 9.237; Published by Elsevier).
- Kim, W.G., Li, J.(J)., & Brymer, R.A. (2016). The Impact of Social Media Reviews on Restaurant Performance: the Moderating Role of Excellence Award. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 55(4), 41‒51. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 9.237; Published by Elsevier).
- Li, J.(J)., Wong, I.A., & Kim, W.G. (2016). Re-segmenting a Gambling Market: a Fresh Look at Mainland Chinese Tourists in the Monte Carlo of the Orient. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 23(3), 205‒216. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 3.525; Published by Sage).
- Kim, W.G., Choi, H.M., & Li, J.(J). (2016). Antecedents and Outcomes of Migrant Workers’ Sociocultural Adjustment in the Hospitality Industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 58(7), 1‒12. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 9.237; Published by Elsevier).
- Liu, X.M, Li, J.(J)., * & Yang, Y. (2015). Travel Arrangement as a Moderator in Image–Satisfaction–Behavior Relations An Investigation of Chinese Outbound Travelers. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 21(3), 225‒236. (Corresponding author; Indexed in SSCI; IF = 3.525; Published by Sage).
- Yang, Y., Liu, X.M, & Li, J. (2015). How Customer Experience Affects the Customer-Based Brand Equity for Tourism Destinations. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 32(1), 97‒113. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 7.564; Published by Taylors & Francis).
- Yang, Y., Liu, X.M., Jing, F.J., & Li, (J).J. (2014). How does Perceived Value Affect Travelers' Satisfaction and Loyalty? Social Behavior and Personality, 42(10), 1733‒1744. (Indexed in SSCI; IF = 0.976; Published by Inderscience).
中文期刊論文/Selected Refereed Journal Publications
- 李軍,宋晨鵬,葉浩彬. 智能服務情境下顧客對服務型機器人行爲意向研究——基於技術接受模型. 旅遊學刊, (接收待刊)
- 吳偲,朱竑,李軍*. 藝術旅遊與地方感的相互關系研究——以粵港澳大灣區大學生群組爲例. 旅遊學刊, 2021, https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.1120.K.20210518.0936.002.html. (*通訊作者)
- 吳偲,朱竑,李軍*. 粵港澳大學生的美展感知及地方感影響差異:基於多群組結構方程模型分析. 地理科學, 2021, 41(04): 645‒655.
- 蔡曉梅,蔔美玲,李軍*. 以流動看世界——基於彼得·阿迪《流動性》的研究述評. 熱帶地理, 2020, https://doi.org/10.13284/j.cnki.rddl.003250. (*通訊作者)
- 方遠平,張琦,李軍,黃向. 參照群體對遊客親環境行爲的影響機制——基於廣州市海珠濕地公園的遊客群組差異分析. 經濟地理, 2020, 40(1): 204‒213.
- International Journal of Hospitality Management. (2020–) 協理編輯/Coordinating Editor
- Tourism Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Journal (2017–) 編委/Editorial Board Member
- Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (2018–) 編委/Editorial Board Member
特邀評審員/Ad-hoc Reviewer
- Tourism Management (2019–)
- International Journal of Hospitality Management (2016–)
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology (2017–)
- Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research.
- The Service Industries Journal (2018–)
- Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing (2018–)
- Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (2019–)
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (2016–)
- Tourism Management Perspectives (2019–)
- Tourism Economics (2019–)
- International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (2019–)
- 旅遊學刊 (2021–)
- 地理科學 (2021–)
- 《深化粵港澳大灣區軟硬聯通的問題、機遇和建議》廣東省委常委、廣東省委副書記、深圳市市委書記孟凡利同志批示(2023年3月24日)。
- 《當前******及應對建議》獲廣東省委常委、廣東省宣傳部部長陳建文同志批示(2023年3月15日)。
- 《構建廣州國際大都市開放發展品牌形象的路徑與建議》獲廣東省委常委、廣東省委政協主席、廣州市委書記林克慶同志及廣州市市長郭永航同志批示(2022年9月8日) 。
- 研究成果獲中共中央宣傳部采納(2023年3月22日)
- 研究成果獲中共中央宣傳部采納(2022年10月11日)
- 研究成果獲中央某部委采納(2022年8月31日)
- 研究成果獲中共中央宣傳部采納(2022年8月11日)
- 研究成果獲中共中央宣傳部采納(2022年8月15日)
- 研究成果獲中共中央宣傳部采納(2021年9月1日)
- 研究成果獲中共中央宣傳部采納(2022年2月14日)
- 研究成果獲中央統戰部領導同志圈閱(2022年1月7日)
- 研究成果獲廣東省省委辦公廳采納(2022年5月31日)
- 研究成果獲廣東省文化與旅遊廳采納(2022年5月24日)
- 研究成果獲廣東省網信辦采納(2022年2月10日)
亞太管理評論-傑出論文評審貢獻獎 An outstanding reviewer award from Asia Pacific Management Review in 2016.
國際款待業管理期刊-傑出論文評審貢獻獎 An outstanding reviewer award (top tenth percentile of reviewers) from International Journal of Hospitality Management in 2017.