

  • Peng, K.L.*, Kou, I.E., Chan, H. (2024), Space tourism value chain. Berlin:Springner Nanture. (ISBN 978-981-97-1605-0)



  • 王亞、彭康麟*、黃志倫 (2023). 太空旅遊研究彙編:航天科技的應用2023. 澳門:澳門東亞出版社.(ISBN 978-99981-70-08-7)
  • 彭康麟*、伍紋慧、冼泓宇 (2023). 太空旅遊的獨特性:澳門世界旅遊休閒中心的多元化發展機遇. 澳門:澳門東亞出版社. (ISBN: 978-99981-70-07-0)
  • Yu, X., Huang, H., Q Liu, S., & Laurie, L. W. (2023). Sustainability Through Marketing Organic Food Consumption. Scientific Publications/University of Economics in Katowice, 145-160. 



  • 彭康麟*、穆彥、顏澤銘 (2022). 太空旅遊商業鏈. 澳門:澳門東亞出版社. (ISBN:978999870049)
  • Grace Suk Ha Chan , Yvonne Yue He , Martin Binglin Tang , Louis Yuen Cheong Ho (2022). CSR reputation affects in the decision of hotel patronage .Trends and Issues in Global Tourism , UK, Routledge ( Accepted )



  • 邱汉琴、彭康麟、王红玉 (2021). 服务学习_具有中国特色的服务学习理念及教育实践. 天津:南开大学出版社. (ISBN:9787310061341) 
  • Luo, J. M. (2021). Cultural Tourism and Cantonese Opera. UK: Routledge.



  • Luo, J. M., & Lam, C.F. (2020). City Integration and Tourism Development in the Greater Bay Area, China. UK: Routledge.
  • Vu, H., Luo, J.M., Ye, B., Li, G., & Law, Rob (2020).  Evaluating Museum Visitor Experiences Based on User-generated Travel Photos. In Hospitality and Tourism Research Centre (HTRC) (Eds).  Impact 2020:  Advancing the Frontier in Hospitality and Tourism Research. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, pp. 36-39.
  • Kou, I. T., & Liu, T. (2020). Could the adoption of Quick Response (QR) code in lectures enhance University students' satisfaction? A case study of hospitality and tourism programs in Macau. In Cultural and tourism innovation in the digital era (pp. 161-170). Springer, Cham.
  • Witte, A. (2020).‘Chinese don't walk?’The emergence of domestic walking tourism on China’s Ancient Tea Horse Road. Proceedings of China-International Leisure Research Association (CILRA) 2020 Conference.
  • Sharing Mobilities: New Perspectives for the Mobile Risk Society. In (eds. Kesselring, S., M. Freudendal-Pedersen, D. Zuev). Routledge: New York
  • Luo, J.M., & Lam, C.F.  (2020). Urbanization and its effects on city tourism in China.  In Morrison, Alastair M. and Coca-Stefaniak, J. Andres (Eds.), the Routledge Handbook of Tourism Cities.  UK: Routledge, pp 76-87.
  • Luo, J.M. (2016). Urbanization and Tourism Development in China. New York: Nova Science Publishers.



  • Implications of Infrastructural and Technological Change for Lifestyles in Siberia. In (ed. J.O. Habeck) Lifestyle in Siberia. OpenBook Publishers: Cambridge (with J.O. Habeck)
  • 李昕(2019)旅游管理学 北京大学出版社 (第七章、第八章)
  • Hannam, K. 2019. Interurban competition and eventization. In Jensen, O., Lassen, C., Kaufmann, V., Freudendal-Pedersen, M. and Lange, I. (eds.) Handbook on Urban Mobilities. London: Routledge.
  • Hannam, K. 2019. Healthy Mobilities? In Buscher, M., Kesselring, S. and Freudendal- Pedersen, M. (eds.) Handbook of Methods and Applications for Mobilities Research. London: Edward Elgar.
  • Hannam, K. 2019. Smart Cities, Smart Tourism and Smart Mobilities. In Timothy, D. (ed.) Handbook of Globalization and Tourism. London: Edward Elgar.
  • 王心(專著)(第二作者):《澳門特區應對人口老齡化研究》,北京:經濟管理出版社,2019年3月第一版。ISBN 978-7-5096-6278-6 (中文重要出版社)



  • Luo, J. M., & Lam, C.F. (2018). Entertainment Tourism. UK: Routledge.
  • 王心(參與編寫):澳門“美食之都”的歷史基礎、申報過程及其發展路徑. 《2017-2018澳門旅遊休閒發展報告》,林廣志、郝雨凡主編,社會科學文獻出版社),2018年6月第一版。ISBN 978-7-5201-2776-9(中文重要出版社)。
  • Kou, I.T.,Luo, J.M., & Chau, K.Y. (2018). Impact Factor of Development of Entertainment Tourism in Macau – Industry Perspective. In Katsoni, V. and Velander, K. (Eds.), Innovative Approaches to Tourism and Leisure. Switzerland: Springer, pp 391-404.
  • Shiyan Lou, Ka Yin Chau (2018) Higher Education in China Has Entered a New Era, Higher Education in India and China: Select Perspectives. AAKAR Books (ISBN 978-93-5002-554-3)
  • Tang, I. L. F., Chen, P. J. (2018) Can Concierge Class Offer Concierge Service for Our Cruise Vacation? Resolving Customer Complaints in Hospitality Management: Trade Tales Decoding Customers’ Stories. Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol . 14, p.139-145



  • 王心(參與編寫):賭收下滑背景下的澳門餐飲業:現狀、問題與對策[M]. 《2016-2017澳門旅遊休閒發展報告》,郝雨凡、林廣志主編,社會科學文獻出版社),2017年3月第一版。ISBN 978-7-5201-0521-7(中文重要出版社)。
  • Research Design and Methodology of Conditions and Limitations of Lifestyle Plurality in Siberia. In (ed. J. O. Habeck) Lifestyle in Siberia. OpenBook Publishers: Cambridge (co-authored)
  • Luo, J.M., Chau, K. Y., & Shen, H.W. (2017). The Challenges and Issues of Tourism Development in China. New York: Nova Science Publishers.



  • Low Carbon Mobility Transitions in China. In Higham, J. and Hopkins D. (eds.) Handbook of Low Carbon Mobility Transitions. Goodfellow Publishers: Oxford 2016, pp. 247-255 (with D. Tyfield)
  • Visual Methods in Event Studies. In T. Pernecky (ed.) Routledge Advances in Event Studies. Routledge: New York 2016, pp.96-119
  • Grace Chan, S.H. & Denizci Guillet Basak (2016) Revenue Management: Profit Optimization for Hong Kong Travel Agencies. Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research .UK, Emerald Group publishing Limited (ISBN: 978-1-78635-714-4 eISBN: 978-1-78635-713-7) http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/S1871-317320160000012008
  • Luo, J.M., & Zhang, H. (2016). Rule and regulation, tourism. In Jafari, J and Xiao, H. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism. Switzerland: Springer, pp 531-532.
  • Luo, J.M., & Lam, C. (2016). Corporate Social Responsibility and Responsible Gambling in Gaming Destination. New York: Nova Science Publishers.



  • Cities and Visual Consumption. Blackwell Encyclopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies. Wiley-Blackwell. 2015
  • Internet and consumption. Blackwell Encyclopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies. Wiley-Blackwell. 2015
  • Waste. Blackwell Encyclopedia of Consumption and Consumer Studies. Wiley-Blackwell. 2015 (co-authored with S. Di Chiazza)



  • Hosting Marco in Siberia: Tourism and Regimes of Hospitality in an “out of the way” place. In D. Picard and S. Buchberger (eds.) Couchsurfing Cosmopolitanisms Can tourism make a better world? Transcript Verlag. Bielefeld. 2013
  • Visual Sociology, Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Ritzer, George (ed). Blackwell Publishing, 2013. Blackwell Reference Online. 29 June 2014 http://www.sociologyencyclopedia.com (with R. Nathansohn)
  • Chan,H. K. (Ed.). (2013). Service Quality Management (Vols. 6). Taiwan, Taiwan: Wagner Publishing.



  • Chan, H. K. (2012). Hotel Customer Needs, Satisfaction, and Loyalty Analysis of TWD: Travel with Disabilities in Taiwan. Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.