孔海燕 教授 (博士生導師)


電郵: konghaiyan@sdu.edu.cn



博士    香港理工大學

碩士    青島大學

學士    青島大學




(Director, International Office)


Dean, Research Center of Tourism and Talent


編委(Editorial Board):

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management

Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research

Journal of China Tourism Research

Tourism Review










人力資源管理(Human Resource Management)

旅遊與文化(Tourism and Culture)

研究方法(Research Methodology)



可持續發展管理(Sustainable Development Management)

人力資源管理(Human Resource Management)

勝任力及競爭力(Competencies and Competitiveness)

旅遊與文化(Tourism and Culture)

旅遊策劃與開發 (Tourism Planning and Development)

國際接待業管理(International Hospitality Management)

國際教育(International Education)



"Citation of excellence 2015”, Emerald Group Publishing











  • Kong, H., Wang, K., Qiu, X., Cheung, C., Bu, N.(2022), 30 years of AI research relating to the hospitality and tourism field, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. (SSCI)
  • Wang, K., Kong, H., Qiu, X., Xiao, H., Bu, N. (2022), AI in health tourism, developing a measurement scale, Asia   Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 27(9), 945-966. (SSCI)
  • Kong, H., Yuan, Y., Baruch, Y., Bu, N., Jiang, X., Wang, K.(2021), Influences of artificial intelligence (AI) awareness on career competency and job burnout, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. (SSCI)
  • Yuan, Y., Kong, H., Baum, T., Liu, Y., Liu, C., Bu, N., Wang, K., Yin, Z.(2021), Transformational leadership and trust in leadership impacts on employee commitment, Tourism Review. (SSCI)
  • Kong, H., Okumus, F., Rahimi,R., Bu,   N., Yin, Z. (2021), Can Cruise Services Satisfy Chinese Outbound Travelers? An Importance–Performance Analysis, Journal of China Tourism Research, 20210111.
  • Bu, N., Pan, S., Kong, H., Fu, X., Lin, B.(2021), Profiling literary tourists: A motivational perspective, The Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. (SSCI)
  • Bu,   N., Xiao, H., Kong, H.,& Dong,   F. (2021), Impacts of COVID-19 on tourism industries: Challenges and opportunities, Journal of Management and Strategy, 12(2).
  • Kong, H., Yuan, Y., Ji, X.,(2021), The influence of Chinese cultural values on creativity and career competency,  Labor Economic Review,14(2), 73-89.
  • Kong, H., Bu, N., Yuan, Y.(2020), The influence of perceived internal marketing on employees' organizational behaviors, Journal of Management and Strategy.
  • Bu,   N., Kong, H., Hussain, M.S., (2020), Under the epidemic situation, the study of bilateral trade Zone and agreement between China and South Korea, Journal of Management and Strategy.
  • Bu, N., Fu, X., Kong, H., Okumus, F., (2020), A transformation of the Mainland Chinese market in Hong Kong's tourism industry, Journal of China Tourism Research.
  • Yu, Y., Xu, S., Li, G., Kong, H.(2020), A systematic review of research on abusive supervision in hospitality and tourism, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(7), 2473-2496. (SSCI)
  • Bu,   N., Kong, H., Barry Ng., Yu, J, (2020), A numerical study on the competitiveness of China’s cruise leisure tourism under economic differences, Journal of Coastal Research.
  • 布乃鵬,孔海燕,易順(2020),中國非正規就業女性化趨勢分析, 勞動經濟評論,3期
  • 孔海燕,孔麗媛,布乃鵬,袁悅(2019),智能型職業能力測量維度開發與驗證,勞動經濟評論,12(2),115-128.
  • 孔麗媛,孔海燕,布乃鵬(2019), 職業生涯管理與職業滿意度:職業期望的中介作用研究,現代管理,9(4),488-493.
  • Bu, N., Kong, H., Ye, S.(2019),   County tourism development in China: A case study. Journal of China Tourism   Research.
  • Kong, H., Bu, N., Yuan, Y., Wang, K.,   Ro.Y. (2019), Sustainability of hotel, how does perceived corporate social responsibility influence employees' behaviors?Sustainability, (SSCI)
  • Sun,   N., Song, H., Kong, H., Bu, N.(2019), Development and validation of a hospitality   idiosyncratic deals scale, International Journal of Hospitality Management, (SSCI)
  • Kong, H.,Okumus, F., Bu, N. (2019),   Linking organizational career management with Generation Y employees' organizational identity, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management. (SSCI)
  • Kong, H., Jiang, X., Chan, W., Zhou,   X. (2018), Job satisfaction research in the field of hospitality and tourism,   International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(5),   2178-2194. (SSCI)
  • 布乃鵬,肖洪根,孔海燕(2018),旅遊目的地形象和競爭力提升研究—以雲南麗江瀘沽湖為例,旅遊論壇,(3), 02-112.
  • Kong, H., Sun, N., Yan, Q. (2016), New generation, psychological empowerment: Can empowerment lead to high career competencies and career satisfaction? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28, 2553-2569. (SSCI)
  • Baum, T., Cheung, C., Kong, H. (2016). Sustainability and the   Tourism and HospitalityWorkforce: A Thematic Analysis, Sustainability,   2016-08, 809-830. (SSCI)
  • 孫寧, 孔海燕(2016),個性化契約對中國員工工作滿意度及情感承諾的影響,軟科學,30,95-99. (CSSCI)
  • 孔海燕,宋海巖,竇尚孝,(2015),中國遊客赴韓旅遊研究:重要性、滿意度及差距,資源科學,37(11), 2129—2139.(CSSCI) (2016年被人大覆印資料全文收錄,2016,2,24-33)
  • 孔海燕,孫寧(2015),授權行為在中西方酒店的差異比較研究, 黃海學術論壇,23(2), 249-258.
  • 竇尚孝,孔海燕(2015),基於IPA法的中國出境遊客對韓國飯店業服務滿意度分析,旅遊論壇,8(2),42-47.
  • Kong, H., Wang, S., Fu, X., (2015), Meeting career expectation: can   it enhance job satisfaction of Generation Y? International Journal of   Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27, 147 – 168, (SSCI)
  • Yan,   Qi., Shen, H., Kong, H. (2015),   Assessing Hotel Cost Control Through Value Engineering, Asia Pacific Journal   of Tourism Research, (SSCI)
  • Kong, H. (2014), Are tour guides ready for eco-tourism in China? Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 19(1), 17-34. (SSCI)
  • Kong, H., Yan, Q.(2014), The relationship between learning satisfaction and career competencies, International Journal of Hospitality   Management, 14, 133-139. (SSCI)
  • Cheung,C., Kong,H.,Song,H. (2014) , How to influence hospitality employee perceptions on hotel brand performance?   International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26, (SSCI)
  • 王素娟,孔海燕(2014),飯店業員工過度勞動的實證分析與管理,旅遊學刊, 9,92-100.(CSSCI)
  • 顏麒, 孔海燕, 楊韞(2013),內地學生赴香港參加美國高考旅行團服務質量研究,旅遊學刊, 28(1):92-98.
  • 張玉艷, 韓國聖,孔海燕(2013)導遊工作滿意度對其離職傾向影響. 旅遊論壇, 6(4).
  • Kong, H.(2013),   Relationships among work-supportive supervisors, career competencies, and job   involvement, International   Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(2), (SSCI)
  • Kong, H., Cheung, C., Song, H.(2012), From hotel career management to employees’ career satisfaction, the mediating effect of career competencies. International Journal of Hospitality   Management 31(1),76-85,(SSCI)
  • Kong, H., Cheung,   C., Song, H.(2012), Determinants and outcome of career competencies—perspectives of hotel managers in China.   International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(3),712-719,(SSCI)
  • Kong, H., Han,   G.(2012), Is Tibet an attractive tourism destination? A comparative study of organic image between people in Mainland China and Hong Kong. Advanced   Materials Research, 3278-3282.
  • Yan, Q., Kong, H., Guo,   J.(2012), Measuring the Service Quality of a Package Group of Mainland Students Taking the Scholastic Achievement   Test (SAT) in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, (SSCI)
  • 顏麒,吳耀宇,楊蘊,孔海燕(2012),華東線導遊員情緒勞動的探索研究及實證啟示,旅遊學刊,3(6),78-83。
  • 孔海燕,宋海巖(2011),飯店職業生涯管理—測量維度開發及實證研究,旅遊學刊, 26(10), 58-62,(CSSCI)
  • 孔海燕,羅潤東,顏麒,(2011),飯店業組織職業生涯管理對員工職業承諾及職業能力影響效果研究,旅遊科學,12月,25(6),65-74,(CSSCI)。被人大覆印資料2012年第5期全文轉載。
  • Kong,H., Cheung, H.,   Song, H.(2011),   Hotel career management in China: Developing a measurement scale. International   Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(1),(SSCI)
  • Kong, H. (2011), An IPA analysis of effective teaching activities in China, Advances in Electronic Engineering,   communication and management, 2, 347-352.
  • Kong,H.,Cheung,C.,   Zhang, H.Q. (2010), Career management systems: what are China’s state-owned hotels practising? International   Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 22(4), 467-482. (SSCI)
  • Kong, H., Cheung, C. (2009). Hotel development in China: A review of the English language literature. International Journal of Contemporary   Hospitality Management, 21(3), 341-355.(SSCI)
  • Kong, H., Cheung, C., Baum, T.   (2009). Are tour guides in China ready for the booming tourism industry? Journal of China Tourism Research,5(1).
  • Song,   Z., Kong, H.& Chen, Y. (2008).   Tourists' satisfaction, perceived service value, and their repurchase intentions. Journal of China Tourism Research, 4(3/4), 336-364.
  • 孔海燕,宋海巖(2008),中國飯店30年—海內外文獻回顧與比較,旅遊學刊,23(6),48-54,(CSSCI)
  • 孔海燕,湯姆. 勃姆(2008)旅遊業國際化背景下的飯店員工技能研究,商業研究,2,129-131,(CSSCI)
  • 孔海燕(2008),導遊員工作認知及職業生涯發展研究,山東社會科學,12,(CSSCI)
  • 孔海燕(2007),加強導遊員生態環保知識策略研究,四川環境,26(1),106-108
  • 孔海燕(2007),旅遊業快速發展背景下的星級飯店員工素質研究,商場現代化,4。
  • Kong, H., & Baum, T.(2006),   Skills and work in the hospitality sector, International Journal of   Contemporary   Hospitality Management, 18 (6), 509-518. (SSCI)
  • 孔海燕(2005)海濱城市度假基地的建設研究, 山東社會科學,第九期
  • 孔海燕(2005)發展旅遊對海島環境的影響及應對策略研究, 四川環境
  • 智能型職業能力實證研究(Intelligent Career, Empirical Study)
  • 職業能力決定因素及影響效果研究(Determinants and Effects of Career Competency)
  • 旅行社管理(Travel agency management)
  • 旅遊心理學(Tourism Psychology)




  • 國家社科重大項目:我國社會科學國際影響力評估與學術話語權建設研究,子課題主持。
  • 國家社科項目(NSSFC):人工智能對文旅產業人才變革影響及應對策略研究,主持。
  • 國家社科重點項目:中國社會科學研究的國際化及其影響力研究,子課題主持。
  • 教育部項目:青年人才職業能力影響因素及發展策略研究,主持。
  • 山東社科項目:儒家文化與現代人才管理理論融合研究,主持。
  • 山東社科項目:中國文化對新生代員工“大五人格”影響作用研究,主持。
  • 山東社科項目:山東旅遊業發展質量和競爭力研究,主持。
  • 山東文化旅遊廳項目:人工智能在康養旅遊中的社會需求分析,主持。
  • 山東省教改項目:國際視野及國際化人才培養模式研究,主持。
  • 國家社科項目(NSSFC):基於產業模塊化的產業融合機制、測度及效應研究,參與。


  • 溫泉開發策劃,主持。
  • 4A級旅遊景區提升策劃,主持。
  • 農村綜合性改革實施方案,主持。
  • 台依湖商業模式創新,主持。
  • 中醫藥旅遊規劃,主持。
  • 大數據與需求敏捷響應系統(DARS)設計與規劃,主持。
  • 遊輪6S管理研究,主持。
  • 威海文化創意產業調查報告,主持。
  • 威海旅遊業發展規劃,主持。
  • 飯店業人才開發研究,主持。等30餘項