Academic Qualification:
PhD, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
MSc, Qingdao University
BSc, Qingdao University
Working Experience
Director, International Office
Dean, International Institute of Tourism and Talent
Editorial Board:
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research
Journal of China Tourism Research
Tourism Review
Review Expert, State Social Science Grant
Review Expert, Graduate Thesis Degree Center, Ministry of Education
Review Expert, Outstanding Research of Shandong Social Science
Membership, China Female Tourism Committee
Shandong Tourism Expert
Marine Engineering Consulting Expert, Shandong Province
Teaching Area
Human Resource Management
Tourism and Culture
Research Methodology
Research Area
Sustainable Development Management
Human Resource Management
Competencies and Competitiveness
International Hospitality Management
International Education
Tourism and Culture
Tourism Planning and Development
2018, Female Role Model in the Tourism Industry of New Era
2017, Second Prize, Outstanding Research of Social Science in Shandong
2016, Third Prize, Outstanding Research of Social Science in Weihai
2015, Emerald Citation of Excellence 2015, Emerald Group Publishing
2015, Third Prize, Outstanding Research of Social Science in Weihai
2014, Outstanding Teacher, Shandong University
2013, Third Prize, Outstanding Research of Social Science in Shandong
Academic Publication
Journal Paper
- Kong, H., Wang, K., Qiu, X., Cheung, C., Bu, N.(2022), 30 years of AI research relating to the hospitality and tourism field, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. SSCI
- Wang, K., Kong, H., Qiu, X., Xiao, H., Bu, N. (2022), AI in health tourism, developing a measurement scale, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 27(9),945-966. SSCI
- Kong, H., Yuan, Y.,Baruch, Y., Bu, N.,Jiang, X., Wang,K.(2021),Influences of artificial intelligence (AI) awareness on career competency and job burnout, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. SSCI
- Yuan, Y., Kong, H., Baum, T., Liu, Y., Liu, C., Bu, N., Wang, K., Yin, Z.(2021), Transformational leadership and trust in leadership impacts on employee commitment, Tourism Review. SSCI
- Kong, H., Okumus, F., Rahimi,R., Bu, N., Yin, Z. (2021),Can Cruise Services Satisfy Chinese Outbound Travelers? An Importance–Performance Analysis, Journal of China Tourism Research, 20210111.
- Bu, N., Pan, S., Kong, H., Fu, X., Lin, B.(2021), Profiling literary tourists: A motivational perspective,The Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. SSCI
- Bu, N., Xiao, H., Kong, H., & Dong, F. (2021), Impacts of COVID-19 on tourism industries: Challenges and opportunities, Journal of Management and Strategy, 12(2).
- Kong, H., Yuan, Y., Ji, X.,(2021),The influence of Chinese culture values on creativity and career competency, Labor Economic Review,14(2), 73-89.
- Kong, H., Bu, N., Yuan, Y.(2020),The influence of perceived internal marketing on employees’ organizational behaviors,Journal of Management and Strategy.
- Bu, N., Kong, H., Hussain, M.S., (2020), Under the epidemic situation, the study of bilateral trade Zone and agreement between China and South Korea, Journal of Management and Strategy.
- Bu, N., Fu, X., Kong, H.,Okumus, F., (2020), A transformation of the Mainland Chinese market in Hong Kong's tourism industry, Journal of China Tourism Research.
- Yu, Y., Xu, S., Li, G., Kong, H.(2020), A systematic review of research on abusive supervision in hospitality and tourism, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(7), 2473-2496.SSCI
- Bu, N., Kong, H., Barry Ng., Yu, J, (2020), A numerical study on the competitiveness of China’s cruise leisure tourism under economic differences,Journal of Coastal Research.
- Bu, N., Kong, H., Yi, S (2020), Analysis of the feminization of informal employment in China, Labor Economy Review, (3).
- Kong, H., Kong, L., Bu, N., Yuan, Y.(2019), Developing A Measurement Scale For Career Competencies, Labor Economy Review, 12(2), 115-128.
- Kong, L., Kong, H., Bu, N.(2019), Organizational career management and career satisfaction: the mediating effect of career expectation, Modern Management, 9(4),488-493.
- Bu, N., Kong, H., Ye, S.(2019), County tourism development in China: A case study. Journal of China Tourism Research.
- Kong, H., Bu, N., Yuan, Y., Wang, K., Ro.Y. (2019), Sustainability of hotel, how does perceived corporate social responsibility influence employees’ behaviors? Sustainability, SSCI
- Sun, N., Song, H., Kong,H., Bu, N.(2019), Development and validation of a hospitality idiosyncratic deals scale, International Journal of Hospitality Management, SSCI
- Kong, H., Okumus, F., Bu, N. (2019), Linking organizational career management with Generation Y employees' organizational identity,Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management. SSCI
- Kong, H., Jiang, X., Chan, W., Zhou, X. (2018), Job satisfaction research in the field of hospitality and tourism, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(5), 2178-2194. SSCI
- Bu, N., Xiao, H., Kong, H.(2018), An analysis of tourism destination image and competitiveness,Tourism Forum,2018(3),02-112.
- Kong, H., Sun, N., Yan, Q. (2016), New generation, psychological empowerment: Can empowerment lead to high career competencies and career satisfaction? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28, 2553-2569. SSCI
- Baum, T., Cheung, C., Kong, H. (2016). Sustainability and the Tourism and Hospitality Workforce: A Thematic Analysis, Sustainability, 2016-08, 809-830. SSCI
- Sun,N., Kong, H.(2016),Research on the impact of idiosyncratic deals on Chinese employee’s job satisfaction and effective commitment, Soft Science,30,95-99. CSSCI
- Kong, H., Song, H., Dou, S.(2015),A Study of Chinese Outbound Tourists in South Korea: Expectation, Satisfaction, and Gap, Resource Science,37(11),2129—2139.
- Kong, H., Sun, N.(2015),A comparative study of empowerment in the east and west hotels, Yellow Sea Academic Forum,23(2), 249-258.
- Dou,S., Kong, H.(2015), Satisfaction evaluation of Korea hotel service—IPA analysis, Tourism Forum, 8(2),42-47.
- Kong, H., Wang, S., Fu, X., (2015), Meeting career expectation: can it enhance job satisfaction of Generation Y? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27, 147 – 168,SSCI
- Yan, Qi., Shen, H., Kong, H. (2015), Assessing Hotel Cost Control Through Value Engineering, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, SSCI
- Kong, H. (2014), Are tour guides ready for eco-tourism in China? Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 19(1), 17-34. SSCI
- Kong, H., Yan, Q.(2014), The relationship between learning satisfaction and career competencies,International Journal of Hospitality Management, 14, 133-139. SSCI
- Cheung,C., Kong,H.,Song,H. (2014) ,How to influence hospitality employee perceptions on hotel brand performance? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26, SSCI
- Wang,S., Kong, H.(2014),Empirical study of hotel employees’ overwork,Tourism Tribune, 9,92-100.CSSCI
- Yan,Q.,Kong,H.,Yang,Y.(2013),A research of Mainland Students Scholastic Achievement Test in Hong Kong,Tourism Tribune,28(1):92-98.
- Cheung,Y., Han,G., Kong, H.(2013), The influence of tour guides’ job satisfaction on turnover intention, Tourism Forum,6(4).
- Kong, H.(2013), Relationships among work-supportive supervisors, career competencies, and job involvement,International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33(2), SSCI
- Kong, H., Cheung, C., Song, H.(2012),From hotel career management to employees’ career satisfaction, the mediating effect of career competencies. International Journal of Hospitality Management 31(1),76-85,SSCI
- Kong, H.,Cheung, C., Song, H.(2012),Determinants and outcome of career competencies—perspectives of hotel managers in China. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(3),712-719,SSCI
- Kong, H.,Han, G.(2012), Is Tibet an attractive tourism destination? A comparative study of organic image between people in Mainland China and Hong Kong. Advanced Materials Research, 3278-3282.
- Yan,Q., Kong, H., Guo, J.(2012), Measuring the Service Quality of a Package Group of Mainland Students Taking the Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT) in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, SSCI
- Yan, Q., Wu, Y., Yang, Y., Kong, H.(2012),Exploratory and empirical study of emotional labor of tour guides in east area, Tourism Tribune, 3(6),78-83。
- Kong, H., Song, H. (2011),Hotel career management—measurement development and empirical study,Tourism Tribune, 26(10), 58-62, CSSCI
- Kong, H.,Luo,R., Yan,Q.(2011),A study of hotel career management on employees’ career commitment and career competencies, Tourism Science,25(6),65-74.
- Kong, H.,Cheung, H., Song, H.(2011), Hotel career management in China: Developing a measurement scale. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(1),SSCI
- Kong, H. (2011), An IPA analysis of effective teaching activities in China, Advances in Electronic Engineering, communication and management, 2, 347-352.
- Kong, H.,Cheung,C., Zhang, H.Q. (2010), Career management systems: what are China’s state-owned hotels practising? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 22(4), 467-482. SSCI
- Kong, H., Cheung, C. (2009). Hotel development in China: A review of the English language literature. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21(3), 341-355.SSCI
- Kong, H., Cheung, C., Baum, T. (2009). Are tour guides in China ready for the booming tourism industry? Journal of China Tourism Research,5(1).
- Song, Z., Kong, H.& Chen, Y. (2008). Tourists' satisfaction, perceived service value, and their repurchase intentions. Journal of China Tourism Research, 4(3/4), 336-364.
- Kong, H., Song, H.(2008), 30 years of China’s hotel industry—A literature review and comparative study,Tourism Tribune,23(6),48-54, CSSCI
- Kong, H., Baum, T.(2008), A study of hotel employees’ skills in the background of international tourism, Commercial Research, 2,129-131,CSSCI
- Kong, H.(2008), Job perception and career development of tour guides, Shandong Social Science, 12,CSSCI
- Kong, H.(2007),A study of policies to enhance tour guides ecotourism knowledge, Sichuan Environment,26(1),106-108
- Kong, H.(2007),A study of employees’ quality in star-level hotel, Business Modernization,4.
- Kong, H., & Baum, T.(2006), Skills and work in the hospitality sector, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality management, 18 (6), 509-518. SSCI
- Kong, H.(2005), A study of vacation base in coastal city, Shandong Social Science, 9.
- Kong, H.(2005), The damage and dealing methods of tourism development on island environment, Sichuan Environment, 5.
- Intelligent Career, Empirical Study
- Determinants and Effects of Career Competency
- Travel agency management
- Tourism Psychology
Research Project
- Key Project of The National Social Science Fund of China (NSSFC),"International influence and academic discourse power of China's social science", 1/4 of sub project.
- The National Social Science Fund of China (NSSFC), "The influence and coping strategy of AI on human resources in the culture and tourism industry ", 1/12.
- Key projects of National Social Science Foundation (NSSFC), “Internationalization and influence of China's social science research”, 1/6 of sub project.
- Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Science Research Fund," Determinants and developing strategy of career competency of young talents", 1/8.
- Shandong Social Science Fund, "The integration management of Confucian culture and modern human resource management", 1/9.
- Shandong Culture and Tourism Research Fund, "Analyzing the needs of AI in health-oriented tourism", 1/8
- Shandong Social Science Fund, "The influence of Chinese culture on the Big Five of young generation", 1/9
- Shandong Education Reform Fund, "Study of international education mode", 1/8.
- Shandong Social Science Fund, "Quality and competitiveness of Shandong tourism", 1/10.
- National Social Science Foundation Fund, "Mechanism, measurement, and validity of industrial integration", 3/8.
- Hot spring development and planning, 1/7.
- Tourism destination planning, 1/10.
- Comprehensive rural reform, 1/8.
- Business model innovation of tourism company, 1/10.
- Traditional Chinese medicine tourism planning, 1/7.
- Design and planning of big data and demand agile resource systems (DARS), 1/8.
- 6S management in cruise, 1/6.
- Report of Weihai culture and creative industry, 1/10.
- Tourism planning of Weihai, 1/10.
- Human resource management and development of the hospitality industry, 1/8.