電郵: bunp@sdu.edu.cn
2014.08 - 2018. 09 香港理工大學酒店及旅遊業管理學院 旅遊管理專業博士
聯合國世界旅遊組織專家 Member of UNWTO Tourism Experts Panel
亞太旅遊協會中國專家 Member of PATA Tourism Experts Panel
世界旅遊互聯網大會副秘書長 Deputy Secretary General, International Smart Tourism Conference
美國飯店協會教育學院注冊高級教育導師Certified Hospitality Educator, CHE
山東省習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想研究中心 特約研究員
Coordinator, UNWTO/PATA Forum on Tourism Trends and Outlook
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 審稿人
Tourism Management 審稿人
Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management 審稿人
International Journal of Hospitality Management 審稿人
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 審稿人
Current Issues in Tourism 審稿人
Journal of Sustainable Tourism 審稿人
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 審稿人
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights 審稿人
Tourism Review審稿人
Journal of China Tourism Research編委
- Qiu, X., Kong, H., Wang, K., Zhang, N., Park, S., & Bu, N. (2023). Past, present, and future of tourism and climate change research: bibliometric analysis based on VOSviewer and SciMAT. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 28(1), 36-55. (SSCI)
- 彭磊義,羅建基,肖洪根,布乃鵬. (2023). 基於三階段DEA模型的民宿業經營效率研究——以杭州地區為例. 旅遊論壇。(CSSCI 擴展)
- Wang, Y., Bu, N., Kong, H., Kong, L., Wang, J. ( 2023). Successful Crisis Recovery in Tourist Resorts from Covid-19: The Case of Xixiakou Village, China. Journal of Management and Strategy. (ESCI 通訊作者)
- Tham, A., Wang, M., Bu, N. (2023). Blue ocean strategy and assessments in tourism higher education.Tourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal. (ESCI 通訊作者)
- Ji, X., Bu, N. T., Zheng, C., Xiao, H., Liu, C., Chen, X., & Wang, K. (2022). Stock market reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic: an event study. Portuguese Economic Journal, 1-20.(SSCI 通訊作者)
- Wang, K., Kong, H., Bu, N., Xiao, H., Qiu, X., & Li, J. (2022). AI in health tourism: developing a measurement scale. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 27(9), 954-966. (SSCI)
- Kong, H., Wang, K., Bu, N, et al. (2022). 30 years of AI research relating to the hospitality and tourism industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. (SSCI)
- Ji, X.; Wang, S.; Xiao, H.; Bu, N.; Lin, X. Contagion Effect of Financial Markets in Crisis: An Analysis Based on the DCC–MGARCH Model. Mathematics 2022, 10, 1819. (SSCI 通訊作者)
- Liu M, Li Y, Pérez-Sánchez MdlÁ, Luo J, Bu N, Chen Y, Bao J. Empirical Study on the Sustainable Development of Mountain Tourism in the Early Stage of High-Speed Railways—Taking the Southwest Mountainous Region of China as an Example. Sustainability. 2022; 14(3):1058. (SSCI)
- Liu, M., Rodríguez, M.J.D., Wendy Gao, B., & Bu, N. (2022). The influence of perceived demand and perceived value result on tourist's behavioral tendencies: in the context of customized tourism. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 28(4), 1-16. (SJR 通訊作者)
- 讓青春在全面建設社會主義現代化國家的火熱實踐中綻放絢麗之花. 中國青年網, 2022
- 大力弘揚北京冬奧精神,《中國體育報》理論版,2022
- Wang, S.; Lin, X.; Xiao, H.; Bu, N.; Li, Y. Empirical Study on Human Capital, Economic Growth and Sustainable Development:Taking Shandong Province as an Example. Sustainability 2022, (SSCI 通訊作者)
- 弘揚北京冬奧精神 提升中國國家形象,《光明日報》,2022
- Ji X, Dong F, Zheng C, Bu N. The Influences of International Trade on Sustainable Economic Growth: An Economic Policy Perspective. Sustainability. 2022; 14(5):2781. (SSCI)
- Bu, N. T., Pan, S., Kong, H., Fu, X., & Lin, B. (2021). Profiling literary tourists: A motivational perspective. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 22, 100659. (SSCI)
- Bu, N., Kong, H. Yi, S. (2021). Analysis on the economic ecological environment and social effects of rural tourism development. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. (SSCI)
- 弘揚“永懷精神”時代價值,賡續傳承民族紅色基因。學習強國,2021年11月22日
- Kong, H., Yuan, Y., Baruch, Y., Bu, N., Jiang, X. and Wang, K. (2021), "Influences of artificial intelligence (AI) awareness on career competency and job burnout", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (SSCI)
- 弘揚偉大建黨精神,奮進新時代長征路。學習強國,2021年8月20日
- Bu, N. T. , Xiao, H. , Kong, H. , & Dong, F. C. . (2021). Impact of covid-19 on tourism industry: challenges and opportunities. Journal of Management and Strategy, 12(2), 1. (ESCI)
- Yuan, Y., Kong, H., Baum, T., Liu, Y., Liu, C., Bu, N., Wang, K., Yin, Z. (2021), Transformational leadership and trust in leadership impacts on employee commitment, Tourism Review. (SSCI)
- 布乃鵬,旅遊精準扶貧,賦能鄉村振興。《光明日報》,2020年12月18日
- Haiyan Kong, Fevzi Okumus, Roya Rahimi, Naipeng Bu & Zihan Yin (2021). Can Cruise Services Satisfy Chinese Outbound Travelers? An Importance–Performance Analysis, Journal of China Tourism Research (ESCI)
- Shen, C. C., Loverio, J. P., Chen, L. H. & Bu, N. T. (2021). The role of face (mien-tzu) in Chinese tourists’ destination choice and behaviors. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 48, 500-508. (SSCI)
- Li, Y.; Xiao, H.; Bu, N.; Luo, J.; Xia, H.; Kong, L.; Yu, H. Configuration-Based Promotion: A New Approach to Destination Image Sustainability. Sustainability 2021, 13, 12174. (SSCI 通訊作者)
- 布乃鵬,弘揚紅色文化,致力民族覆興。《光明日報》,2020年8月10日
- Naipeng Bu, Xiaoxiao FU, Haiyan Kong, Fevzi Okumus. (2020), A Transformation of the Mainland Chinese Market in Hong Kong's Tourism Industry. Journal of China Tourism Research. (ESCI)
- 布乃鵬,激發內生動力,助力精準扶貧,《人民日報》,2020年4月29日
- Naipeng Bu, Haiyan Kong, M. Saddam Hussain, Sareema Fatima. (2020), Under the epidemic situation, the study of Bilateral Trade Zone and Agreement between China and Korea. Journal of Management and Strategy. (ESCI)
- 布乃鵬,李婭南,孔海燕。基於fsQCA方法的區域旅遊經濟發展影響路徑研究。東岳論叢,2020,09 (CSSCI)
- Haiyan Kong, Naipeng Bu, Yue Yuan, Kangping Wang, Liyuan Kong, Jin Wang. (2020). The Influence of Perceived Internal Marketing on Employees’ Organizational Behaviors. Journal of Management and Strategy. (ESCI 通訊作者)
- Bu, N., Ng, Barry., Kong, H. (2020). Research on the Influence of Big Data Knowledge Transfer on Value of Co-creation and Competitive Advantage of Smart Tourism Destinations. ACM International Conference Proceedings Series.(EI 檢索)
- Yanan Li, Naipeng Bu, Haiyan Kong, Zihan Yin & Xiuchao Ji. (2020), Research on the key technology and system architecture of smart research travel in Novel Coronavirus epidemic. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (EI 檢索 通訊作者)
- Bu, N., Kong, H., Barry, N. J., Sun, N., Yin, Z. & Yu, J. (2020). A numerical study on the competitiveness of china's cruise tourism under economic differences. Journal of Coastal Research, 103, 1116. (SSCI)
- 布乃鵬,孔海燕,易順。中國非正規就業女性化趨勢分析。勞動經濟評論,2020,3期 (CSSCI)
- Bu, N. T. , Kong, H. , & Ye, S. (2020). County tourism development in china: a case study. Journal of China Tourism Research(4), 1-24. (ESCI)
- 布乃鵬,孔海燕,易順。代際視角下中國勞動力市場戶籍工資差異研究。統計與決策,2020,12 (CSSCI)
- Sun, N., Song, H., Kong, H., & Bu, N. (2019). Development and validation of a hospitality idiosyncratic deals scale. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 102416. (SSCI 通訊作者)
- 孔海燕,孔麗媛,布乃鵬,袁悅。智能型職業能力測量維度開發與驗證。勞動經濟評論,2019, 115-128. (CSSCI)
- Kong, H., Bu, N., Yuan, Y., Wang, K., & Ro, Y. (2019). Sustainability of Hotel, How Does Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Employees’ Behaviors?. Sustainability, 11(24), 7009. 14. (SSCI 通訊作者)
- 孔麗媛,孔海燕,布乃鵬。職業生涯管理與職業滿意度:職業期望的中介作用研究。現代管理, 2019, 9(4), 488-496.
- Kong, H., Okumus, F., & Bu, N. (2019). Linking organizational career management with Generation Y employees' organizational identity: The mediating effect of meeting career expectations. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 1-18. (SSCI)
- 孔麗媛, 布乃鵬. 飯店職業生涯管理對員工情緒勞動的影響研究 [J]. 旅遊論壇,2019, 06.
- Naipeng Bu, Haiyan Kong, Steve Pan & Yue Yuan. (2019). The Application and Development of e-Learning in Hotel Training Hong Kong (EI 檢索).
- Orianne. D., & Bu. N. (2018). Annual Report UNWTO/CHIMELONG Initiative Projects. Published by the World Tourism Organization (聯合國世界旅遊組織項目).
- Bu. N. & Carter. R. (2017). UNWTO General Assembly Smart Tourism Session Report (聯合國世界旅遊組織項目).
- Naipeng (Tom) Bu, Di (Steve) Xu, Fei (Emily) Zhong & Honggen Xiao. (2018). The 12th UNWTO/PATA forum on tourism trends and outlook, Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, DOI: 10.1080/13032917.2018.1546271
- 布乃鵬,肖洪根, 孔海燕. 旅遊目的地形象和競爭力分析 - 以雲南麗江瀘沽湖為例 [J]. 旅遊論壇,2018, 11 (03):102-112. (CSSCI擴展版)
- Bu, N. (2018). The 22nd Session of the UNWTO General Assembly – Special Session on Smart Tourism: Chengdu, China, 14-15 September 2017. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 1-3.
- Xu, S., L, M., Bu, N., & Pan, S. (2017). Regulatory frameworks for ecotourism: An application of Total Relationship Flow Management Theorems. Tourism Management, 61, 321-330. (SSCI)
- Bu, N. (2017). Toilet Revolution as an Initiative for China’s Tourism and Social Development. Journal of China Tourism Research, 13(3), 316-319. (ESCI)
- Bu, N., & Xiao, H. (2017). The 10th UNWTO/PATA forum on tourism trends and outlook: 20–22 October 2016, Guilin, China. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 28(3), 459-461.
- Hospitality Service English. Beijing, China: China Business Press, 2013
- Tourism Psychology. Beijing, China: China Tourism Press, 2013
- Enhancing Destination Image and Competitiveness: A Tourism Planning Approach. Hong Kong: International Science Publishing House, 2019
- 上海旅遊高質量發展體系研究. 中國商務出版社,2019
- 超大城市周邊鄉村旅遊實踐與案例. 上海交通大學出版社,2021
- Tourism planning in China. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF TOURISM MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING. 2022(Book Chapter)
- 旅遊目的地創新案例與原理,浙江大學出版社, 2022 (專著章節)
- Yuxuan Wang, Naipeng Bu. Research on the development of contactless smart hotel in China in the Post-Pandemic Era. Inaugural Frontiers in Hospitality and Tourism Annual Research Symposium, 20-21 October, 2022, Macao, China.
- Digital Community Marketing: Practical Mode of Marketing of Block Tourism in Post-pandemic Stage. 5th Global Tourism & Hospitality Conference, 13-14 June, Hong Kong, 2022.
- Li, Y, Huang, Y, Bu, N (Tom), Kong, H, & Pan, S. Tourists' Perceived Deviation of Tourism Slogans in the Construction of Destination Image: Taking Shandong Province as an Example.
- Wang W, Yin Q, Bu N, Kong, H, & Xiao, H. A Study on Tourism Activation Mode of Ancient City Cultural Heritage—Taking Taierzhuang Ancient City as an Example.
- Sun, N., Bu, N., & Kong, H. Understanding the success of hospitality i-deals negotiation: Examining the individual and organizational effects.
- Jennifer Loverio, Li-Hsin Chen and Tom Bu. Understanding the meaning of face: Evidence from Chinese tourists. APacCHRIE2020 (2020 APacCHRIE Conference)
- Bu, N., Liu, Y. & Kong, H. The Factors of Affecting Residents in Coastal Developed Areas to Travel: Taking Haiyan County as an Example. International Science and Culture Center for Academic Contacts (ISCCAC), 14-16 May 2019, Moscow, Russia.
- Bu, N., Kong, H. & Yuan Y. County tourism development in China: A case study. Hospitality Finance & Economics Conference, 27-28 JUNE 2019, Switzerland.
- Bu, N., Kong, H., Steve Pan. & Yuan, Y. E-Learning Application and Current Situation in Hong Kong Hotel. San Yan,Hainan, China.
- Liu, Y., Kong, H. & Bu, N. The exploitation and marketing of cultural and creative products by museums: taking the British Museum for instance. The 2nd Global Congress of Special Interest Tourism & Hospitality (GLOSITH) Conference, Taiwan, China.
- Bu, N., Kong, H. & Steve Pan. The Application and Development of e-Learning in Hotel Training Hong Kong. 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Conference, Hong Kong.
- Steve Pan & Bu, N. Visualizing Hotel Operating Metrics – An Application of ggplot2 and R. 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Conference, Hong Kong.
- Wang, X., Bu, N. & Kong, H. Big Data Promotes Tourism Destination Image and Competitiveness: taking Weihai as an example. 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Conference, Hong Kong.
- Yin, Z., Wei, W., and Bu, N. (2019, concurrent session oral presentation). Big Data Promotes the Construction and Sustainable Development of Smart Tourism Destinations: From the perspective of Value Co-creation and Knowledge Transfer. 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Conference, Hong Kong.
- Kong, H., Bu, N., and Yuan, Y. (2019, concurrent session oral presentation). The influence of Chinese culture value on employees' Big-Five personality and competencies. 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Conference, Hong Kong.
- Ng, J. B., Bu, N., and Xiao, H. (2018, concurrent session oral presentation). Differences of Asian Paradigm between Small-to-medium sized Hotel and International Hotel Chain in Thailand. 2018 Asia Pacific (APac) Chapter Conference, 1st December – 3rd December, Ho Chi Minh.
- Attend the 12th UNWTO/PATA Forum on TOURISM TRENDS AND OUTLOOK, Guilin, China. 25 October – 27 October 2018.
- Attend the 7th UNWTO Global Summit on Urban Tourism, Seoul, Korea. 16 Sep – 19 Sep, 2018.
- Bu, N., Ng, J., & Kong, H. (2018, concurrent session oral presentation). How Asian Culture Exists in Asian Branded Resort Hotel: Investigating the Effects of Tangible Factors on Customer Experience. 2018 Asia Pacific (APac) Chapter Conference, 1st December – 3rd December, Ho Chi Minh.
- Bu, N., Ng, J., & Tao, Li. (2017, concurrent session oral presentation). The Influence of Asian Culture in the Asian Hospitality Management. 2017 Asia Pacific (APac) Chapter Conference, 6th -8th December, Hong Kong.
- Ng, J. B., Bu, N., and Schuckert, M. (2017). Innovation in a Small Social Enterprise Restaurant. The 3rd Global Tourism and Hospitality Conference, June 5-7, Hong Kong, China.
- Bu, N., Ng, J., & Xiao, H. (2016, concurrent session oral presentation). Travel agents and senior travelers' markets in Hong Kong. China Tourism Forum (8-10 October, Nanjing).
- As a coordinator, attended for“The 10th UNWTO/PATA Forum on Tourism Trends and Outlook”, Guilin, China. 20-22 October 2016.
- Attend the“Human Resources Forum, Hospitality - People with Purpose 2016”, Hotel ICON, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 25 Apr 2016.
- The research project was“The Application and Development of e-Learning in Hotel Training Hong Kong”. 25th November 2015.
- As a coordinator, attended for“The 9th UNWTO/PATA Forum on Tourism Trends and Outlook”, Guilin, China. 19-21 October 2015.
- Luo, W. B., Zhang, T and Bu, N. P. (2015). How Does Tourism Make Rural Land Use More Sustainable: A Model from Guangshan Village, Changsha City, China? Conference Proceedings of International Conference on: Sustainable Tourism and Resilient Communities. Hong Kong, May 6-8.
- 主持2022年度山東省社會科學規劃研究項目
- 2022年度山東省藝術重點課題 (參與)
- 主持2020年度山東省社會科學規劃研究項目
- 主持2020年度中國博士後基金項目
- 國家社會科學基金項目“人工智能對文旅產業人才變革的影響及應對策略研究”(參與)位次:1/11
- 國家社科重點項目 “中國社會科學研究的國際化及其影響力研究”(參與)
- 主持2021年山東大學實踐教學研究項目
- 主持2021年山東大學(威海)研究生國際化課程
- 主持貴州省台江縣全域旅遊策劃與開發
- 主持2020年山東大學研究生教育教學改革研究項目
- 推薦的威海市西山後村:“農戶+合作社+公司”生態旅遊開發,助力貧瘠鄉村脫貧致富成功入選世界旅遊聯盟 (WTA) 旅遊減貧案例集選
- 指導山東大學商學院本科生參加聯合國世界旅遊組織全球學生聯賽
- 主持2020年度威海市統計局“威海市文化產業綜合發展競爭力研究”課題
- 主持2020年度威海市社會科學重點研究課題“鄉村振興研究--激發內生動力與加大旅遊開發的視角”
- 主持2020年度威海市委組織部課題“弘揚紅色文化 致力民族覆興”
- 2020年度山東省社科規劃研究項目“儒家文化與現代人才管理理論融合研究”(參與)
- 國家留學基金委公派訪學研究項目
- 山東省文旅廳“人工智能在康養旅遊中的社會需求分析”研究課題 (參與)
- 山東省人文社會科學課題“精準扶貧視域下村鎮旅遊非正規就業研究”基金項目 (參與)
- 2018年創業類慕課建設課題,題目:《小城鎮民宿創業》慕課建設研究 (參與)
- 濟南市國際旅遊目的地營銷和規劃項目 (聯合國世界旅遊組織項目)
- 主持2019年服務威海軟科學項目《威海市校地合作共建與協同發展年度報告》
- 負責雲南省旅遊市場戰略分析與研究英文報告 (聯合國世界旅遊組織與雲南省政府項目)
- 負責浙江省湖州市南潯區的整體旅遊規劃 (聯合國世界旅遊組織項目)
- 溫泉旅遊規劃項目
- 日照綠茶品牌推廣與營銷策劃
- 白沙灘小城鎮概念規劃
- 陽谷縣交通運輸局項目
- 工業互聯網(e芯保)平台項目推廣與策劃
- 謹元信息與服務咨詢項目戰略合作
- 山東大學威海思政教育研究會課題
- 山東大學(威海)2019年度教育教學改革研究項目
- 廣州市哲學社會科學規劃課題—廣東旅遊名鎮自我就業效應實證研究:城鄉協調發展的視角(參與)
- 中國教育部人文社會科學研究規劃基金項 (14YJA630027), 生態安全視角下:濕地景區開發涉入、遊憩沖擊、社區沖突及其調控機制研究。(參與)
- 海南省自然科學基金項目, 基於層次分析法的海南醫療旅遊目的地建設的策略研究。(參與)
- 雲南麗江瀘沽湖景區的旅遊規劃和開發, 對旅遊可行性產品進行調研、分析、旅遊產品策劃