Faculty of International Tourism and Management Co-organizes High-level International Academic Conference

On March 30, 2024, the "2024 International Academic Conference on the Green Innovation and Modern Service Industry Development and

the Revitalization of Culture and Tourism Industry" co-organized by the City University's FITM, was successfully held at the International

Academic Exchange Center of the Jinghu Campus of Zhejiang Yuexiu University. This conference is guided by the Modern Service Industry

Committee of the China Industrial Economics Association, jointly organized by Zhejiang Yuexiu University, the Shaoxing Cultural Tourism

International Innovation Team, and the Shaoxing Cultural and Tourism Industry Research Institute. It is co-hosted by the Hotel Management

College of Zhejiang Yuexiu University, the Leisure Tourism Development Research Center of Zhejiang Yuexiu University, and the School of

Economics of Tianjin University of Commerce. This international academic conference focused on the innovative challenges and development opportunities of the cultural and tourism industry as the core of modern service industries during the deepening transition to a green

economy and the period of profound socio-economic adjustments in China. Numerous experts and scholars gathered to engage in extensive discussions and offer suggestions on the promotion of green development and the revitalization of the cultural and tourism industry.



Professor Li Xi, the Executive Associate Dean of the Faculty of International Tourism and Management at City University of Macau, was invited

to participate online and give a speech, emphasizing the college's significant role in promoting educational innovation and the training of

talents in the cultural and tourism industry. Professor Li stressed the importance of promoting digital and information consumption,

enhancing the research and development of digital products, and bolstering support for information management enterprises. Particularly,

universities should accelerate the training of digital cultural and tourism talents to adapt to the current new social development trends,

providing talent support for the revitalization of the cultural and tourism industry, as well as the digitalization and greening upgrade of the

modern service industry. Associate professor Wang Xin, the Program Director of the Faculty of International Tourism and Management at City University of Macau, attended the event and delivered a keynote speech titled "The Macau Tourism Industry in the Digital Age: Reshaping

Boundaries and Sustainable Development." She emphasized that the ongoing exploration for reshaping the boundaries of the tourism

industry should focus on four key directions: catering to women's needs, exploring strategies to turn aging into an opportunity ("turning silver into gold"), digital transformation, and advancing the development of therapeutic health tourism experiences.



During the conference, participating experts engaged in in-depth exchanges on the latest research findings and advanced experiences in

industry development, and shared research directions on industry development trends. After the conference, Professor Wang Xin, on behalf

of the college, exchanged commemorative gifts with Professor Shang Yunfeng, Dean of the Hotel Management College at Zhejiang Yuexiu

University, and Professor Su Che-Jen, a Distinguished Academic Professor from the Department of restaurant, hotel and institutional

management at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan, China. This conference has laid a solid foundation for future cooperation and exchange

between the Faculty of International Tourism and Management and various academic units and the industry.



Associate Professor Wang Xin, Program Director of the FITM (left), and Professor Shang Yunfeng, Dean of the Hotel Management College at

Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages (right).



Professor Su Che-Jen, Distinguished Academic Professor of the Department of Restaurant, Hotel and Institutional Management at Fu Jen

Catholic University in Taiwan, China (left), and Associate Professor Wang Xin, Program Director of the FITM (right).