FITM held the Orientation Session 2017/2018 successfully

On August 31, the Orientation Session 2017/2018 was held by The Faculty of International Tourism Management (FITM), City University of Macau (City U) at

Culture Center of City University of Macau successfully. This event is for the new students to have a deeper understanding about our faculty and program. Dr.

Gavin Chau, Executive Associate Dean of FITM (City U) delivered a welcome speech and introduced about the history and development of FITM. He also expressed his expectations to the first year students. After that, the Program Coordinators introduced details information about Bachelor, Master and PhD programs

respectively. Domestic & International Affairs Officer of FITM, Emico Zhang introduced the international exchange programs to the students. The senior student

Jason Liu shared his learning experience in FITM in the end of the Orientation Session.


Dr. Cindy Wang, Dr. James H.W. Shen and Dr. Kenny J. M. Luo, Program Coordinators, Ms. Emico Zhang, Domestic & International Affairs Officer, as well as all Full-time Academic Staffs attended the this event.



Group Photo of FITM Staffs



Orientation Session2017/2018 of Faulty of International Tourism and Management