Welcome session for students of the International Hotel and Tourism Elite Program was held by FITM

On September 06, 2017, welcome session for students of International Hotel and Tourism Elite Program was held by Faulty of International Tourism and

Management of City University of Macau at Room A205. Professor Kong Fanqing, Vice Rector of City University of Macau first delivered a welcome speech. After

that. Dr. Gavin Chau, Executive Associate Dean of Faculty of International Tourism, welcomed the students and introduced about the Faulty. He also expressed his expectations to the first year students. Then, Dr. Cindy Wang, Program Coordinator, introduced the details of program and faculty members. Domestic &

International Affairs Officer of FITM, Ms Emico Zhang also shared information regarding international exchange activities available for students.


Dr. Cindy Wang, Dr. James H.W. Shen, and Dr. Kenny J. M. Luo, Program Coordinators, as well as Ms. Emico Zhang, Domestic & International Affairs Officer of FITM attended the welcome session.



Professor Kong Fanqing, Vice Rector of City University of Macau, delivered a welcome speech



Welcome Session I



Welcome Session II