Two Academic Seminars are held by Faulty of International Tourism and Management (FITM) of City University of Macau on Dec 6 & 7, 2017. Dr. Chao-Chien
Chen, Dean of office of Cross-Strait Education of Asia University and Prof. Hsu Chin Hsien, representative from the Department of Leisure Industry Management
of National Chin-Yi University of Technology were invited as keynote speakers of the Seminar. Prof. Hsu Chin Hsien delivered a speech on “Writing Skills of
Quantative Research”, and Dr. Chao-Chien Chen shared his study “Experience on International Journal Writing and Submission-using the example of an
emerging sport - the development trend of Pickle ball”. Senior students showed great interest on these topics, and raised many questions during the Q&A
session. At the end of the seminar, Dr. Gavin Chau, Executive Associate Dean of FITM (City U) presented souvenir to our honorable speakers.
Dr. Kenny Luo, Program Coordinator of FITM, Ms. Emico Zhang, Domestic & International Affairs Officer of FITM, FITM faculty members as well as students
attended this seminar.
Seminar I
Seminar II
Dr. Gavin Chau, Executive Associate Dean of FITM (City U) presented souvenir to our honorable speakers
Group Photo after the seminar