Recognizing FITM student volunteers for their active participation in the Staff Club “Go Green” event for the University


On the afternoon of April 5, 2024, the Faculty of International Tourism and Management (FITM) held a recognition ceremony for the student

volunteers of the“Go Green”Staff Club. Prof. Li Xi, Executive Associate Dean of FITM, attended the event and took photos with the students, and presented them with certificates to thank all the participating student volunteers for their continuous support to the work of FITM.



In order to promote staff interaction and create a relaxing atmosphere, FITM organized a“Go Green”Staff Club on February 21, 2024 at the

Exhibition Hall of the Cultural Centre of Taipa Campus, City University of Macau.


“Go Green” Staff Club Gathering was held with the theme on the Chinese Lantern Festival, the gathering was designed and organized by

Senior Lecturer Ms. Janice Law of the Faculty of International Tourism and Management, who led more than 20 students from the MICE and

Hospitality majors in the Faculty of International Tourism and Management. Special thanks to our administrative staff, Weng Mak, Aery Si,

Liona Ieong, Garsen Tong, and teacher Janice Law for their assistance before, during and after the event. On the day of the event, the students made exquisite snacks, Eastern and Western delicacies, and a variety of cocktails and beverages for the staff to enjoy, which received

unanimous praise from all participants. In addition, the students also designed a variety of interactive games and interesting raffle prizes

around the themes of Macau's heritage architectural attractions and Chinese national costumes, which made the staff and teachers spend a

pleasant afternoon.





In addition, we also invited Victoria Zhang Zhiwei, who graduated from the Faculty of International Tourism and Management of the City

University of Macau with a Master's Degree and is currently employed as a dance teacher at the Leyu College of Beijing Normal University,

a dance teacher at the Zhuhai Opera House, and the Vice Secretary-General of the Zhuhai Xiangzhou District Dancers Association of Zhuhai

City, to perform a classical dance entitled“Mei”and a singing performance by Xiong Jianting, who is currently a Master's Degree student,

to enhance the festive atmosphere of the event.



The “Go green” Staff Club Gathering embodied the rich after-school cultural life of FITM, gave MICE students the opportunity to put their

classroom knowledge into practice and post-graduate students executed cross-disciplinary skills in real life, and provided a relaxing platform

for the staff to communicate with each other. The success of this event was due to the joint efforts and hard work of the volunteers and

teachers, and we would like to thank them again for their enthusiasm and support to the faculty.









Thoughts from student volunteers :




JIE Haoyu介浩宇

Master of International Hospitality and Tourism Management


"By participating in the planning and execution of the Go Green activities, I not only learned the knowledge of food preparation, but also 

made a lot of new friends in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. The games, food and lucky draw not only made the staff laugh and smile,

but also made me feel the warmth and cohesion of the university family. This event has made me cherish campus life even more and look

forward to more exciting moments in the future."



SONG Huan宋歡

Bachelor of International Tourism and Hotel Management Programme


"I have benefited a lot from participating in Go Green. From the meeting, assigning tasks to each person, to the cooperation and preparation before the start of the event, all of the stages made me realize the importance of teamwork. By working closely with my teammates, we

overcame various difficulties and finally achieved a complete success. During the cooperation, I not only improved my communication skills,

but also learned how to better utilize my individual strengths and contribute to the team. This experience was a valuable growth for me.

Thanks to my previous internship, I was able to take over some of the game design and scorecard design tasks, which was also the first time I

completed the same type of design on my own, and the deficiencies in the process inspired me to make corrections and adjustments in the

future to better meet the needs of different participants in the game. In conclusion, being involved in planning an event is not only a work

process, but also a personal growth experience. It taught me how to work under pressure, how to collaborate with a team, and how to handle complicated situations. I am very thankful to my teacher for giving me this opportunity to participate!"



LIU Jiahui劉嘉卉

Bachelor of International Tourism and Hotel Management Programme


"This was my first time to participate in the university's volunteer program. Planning and preparing for the Staff Club Gathering was a

fascinating task for me, and I took an active role in drawing graphics, creating posters and helping to organize games.


One of the things that surprised me about this volunteer event compared to my previous experience was the high degree of freedom and

autonomy that all the volunteers had. The types of food, food preparation, venue decoration and game design were all basically decided by

the students after mutual discussion, rather than just following instructions and working one by one, which gave us a sense of fulfillment at

the end of the event. In addition, our work took half a month from the discussion and preparation stage to the completion of the

implementation, in which the arrangement of tasks and handover also respected our personal time, and did not force everyone to participate in any part of the process. We experienced very positive cooperation from everyone, and I think the good working atmosphere also played a

vital role, I am looking forward to the next time!"