Fang Sha, Assistant Professor (Ph.D Supervisor)





Academic Qualification:                                                                            

澳門城市大學 國際旅游與管理博士學位

Ecole Internationale d'hôtellerie et de management Vatel, France 國際酒店管理碩士學位

濰坊學院 英語學士學位


Working Experience                                                                         

2021/06 to Present           深圳職業技術學院  管理學院   

2017/11 to 2021/06          澳門城市大學  國際旅游與管理學院                        

2011/09 to 2017/10          濰坊學院 歷史文化與旅遊學院  

2010/05 to 2011/08          華美達酒店  前廳部副經理/行政部經理

2009/02 to 2009/08          Hôtel Hilton Pairs Opéra, France  前臺接待


Teaching Area                                                                              







China Hotel Development

Special Topic in Tourism Education



Research Area                                                                                   





Certificates and Awards

2021 廣東第二届職業技能大賽    酒店接待項目金牌

2021/2022 廣東省技術能手

2021 深圳市鄉村振興餐飲服務大賽   深圳市第一名(第二指導老師)

2021 廣東省餐飲行業咖啡師職業技能競賽  二等獎 (第一指導老師)

2017 Padi 救援潜水員

2016 “巽震杯”全國旅游院校服務技能大賽,高校英文導游三等獎(第一指導老師)

2015 澳門霍英東博士獎學金

2013 “策杯全”旅游院校服務技能大賽,高校調酒二等獎(第一指導老師)

2013 全國高等院校空乘人員技能大賽,獲英語知識銅獎(第一指導老師)

2012 “神州杯”全國旅游院校服務技能大賽,高校英文導游三等獎(第一指導老師)


Academic Publication

  • Yun Cheng, Sha Fang*,& Jie Yin (2021). The effects of community safety support on COVID-19 event strength perception, risk perception, and health tourism intention: The moderating role of risk communication, Managerial and Decision Economics, 1-14(SSCI)(*Corresponding Author)
  • Y.G.Zou, Y.M.He, W.L. Lin, & S. Fang (2021). China's regional public safety efficiency: A data envelopment analysis approach. The Annals of Reginal Science, Doi: 10.1007/s00168-020-01025-y (SSCI)
  • Fang, S., Wu, X.H., * & Lai, I.K.W. (2020). Factors affecting Macau undergraduate students' acceptance of hospitability English APP: applicability of UTAUT model. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 29(3), 250-266.(ESCI)
  • S. Fang. (2020). Why do divers want to liveaboard? Measuring SCUBA divers' motivations of liveaboard using a cruise perspective, Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 8 (1), 35-42.
  • Wu, Xiao-hong., Fang, Sha*, Lai, K.W. Ivan (2019). Understand Student's Acceptance of a Situational and Interactive Hotel English Learning APP: An Empirical Study Based on the Extension of UTAUT, In the Proceedings of the 4rd International Conference on Technology in Education, Guangzhou, March15-19, 2019. (EI) (*Corresponding Author).
  • YIN, J., FANG, S*. & ZHENG, X.M. (2018). The dynamic analysis of tourism industrial ecologization in mainland China: Its status and evolution. Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality, 2 (7). (*Corresponding Author).
  • Iok TengKou & Sha FANG. (2017). Attitude and Behavioral Response to Bike sharing-A Comparative Study of the Generation Y and Generation Z.臺灣餐旅觀光暨休閑保健學術研討會論文集.臺灣明道大學.
  • FANG, S., & Li,X. (2017). Workplace deviant behavior in selected Chinese hotels. The 7th International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality between China-Spain.
  • Fang, S. (2016). The development on the Recreational Diving Tourism in Mainland China. Proceedings of International Tourism Studies Association (ITSA) Biennial Conference, London, UK, Aug. (獲得河流、游輪和海洋旅游板塊最佳論文獎)


Research Project

  • 2019-2021 (主持人) Macau Higher Education Bureau: Film induced-tourism Map AR/AI research in Macau(PI)澳門高教局, 大灣區澳門旅遊景點地圖影視AR/AI研究
  • 2019-2020 (Assistant) UNWTO/Chimelong Initiative – PhD Scholarship for Tourism: Reports on Sustainable Tourism and Wildlife Conservation in Asia and the Pacific Maritime Tourism at the Wanshan Archipelago, Zhuhai, China .
  • 2018-2019 (參與)Macau Foundation(MF1813): A study on the relationship between leisure involvement, leisure benefits and well being of the aging population in Macau 澳門基金會(MF1813),銀髮族群休閑涉入、休閑效益與主觀幸福感的關係研究