Daisy Xuefeng Fan, Professor (Ph.D Supervisor)





Sep. 2013---Aug. 2016 

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

in School of Hotel & Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China


Sep. 2009---Jun. 2011

Master of Science (MSc)

in School of Hotel & Tourism Management (Graduated with Distinction), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,

Hong Kong, China


Sep. 2005---Jun. 2009

B.A., History and Tourism Management (Double Degree)

The Central University for Nationalities (Minzu University of China), Beijing, China


Teaching Qualification

Certified Hospitality Educator (CHE): American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (2017)

Fellowship of UK Higher Education Academy (FHEA) (2018)

Senior Fellowship of UK Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) (2020)


Working Experience

Oct. 2024---present


Faculty of International Tourism and Management

City University of Macau, China


Sep. 2017---Oct. 2024

Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Principal Academic in Tourism & Hospitality

Programme Leader for MSc Tourism Management

Programme Leader for MSc Tourism Marketing Management

Bournemouth University Business School, UK


Oct. 2016---Aug. 2017

Research Associate

School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China


Jul. 2011---Aug. 2013

Associate Consultant

Agon Hotels and Resorts Ltd., Hong Kong (hotel consulting company)


Analytical Software Proficiency & Skills

  • Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
  • Structural Equation Modeling (SEM with AMOS and SmartPLS)
  • Multi-level Analysis (Mplus)
  • Nvivo


Research Excellence Award

  • Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research Best Paper of the Year, awarded by International Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education (ICHRIE), 2019
  • Thea Sinclair Award for Journal Article Excellence, awarded by Sage Publishing and Tourism Economics, 2020
  • Research Excellence in Culture and Tourism (Journal Article track), awarded by China Tourism Academy, 2021
  • Tourism Tribune Best Paper Award, awarded by Tourism Tribune China Tourism Research Annual Conference, 2021
  • Best Paper Award, awarded by Zhejiang Province Leisure Study Association Annual Conference, China 2022
  • Most Cited Article in 2021-2023, awarded by the Tourism Management Perspectives 2023
  • Emerging Scholar of Distinction Award by International Academy for the Study of Tourism (IAST), 2023
  • Best Short Paper Award, 3rd place, awarded by ENTER24@Izmir - eTourism Conference by International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism (IFITT), 2024



Journal Papers:

  • Shen, H., Hu, Y., Fan, D.X., & Buhalis, D. (2025). Rural homestay experiencescape: Scale development and its emotional and cognitive paths to guest engagement behaviour. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research.
  • Jenkins, C.L. & Fan, D.X. (2024), Viable and sustainable tourism for developing countries: a horizon 2050 paper, Tourism Review, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. DOI: 10.1108/TR-03-2024-0198
  • Jia, G., Ji, W., Fan, D. X., & Liu, X. (2024). Role reversal in adult children-aging parents family travel. Annals of Tourism Research. DOI:10.1016/j.annals.2024.103751 (ABS: 4)
  • Leong, A., Bai, J., Luo, K., & Fan, D. X. (2024). Why do negative career shocks foster perceived employability and career performance: A career crafting explanation. International Journal of Hospitality Management. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2024.103724 (ABS: 3)
  • Jia, G., Yao, Y. & Fan, D. X. (2024) Value co-creation and co-destruction through adult child-parent interactions in family vacation: Scale development and validation. Journal of Travel Research. DOI: 10.1177/00472875241231271 (ABS: 4)
  • Zhou, L., Buhalis, D., Fan, D. X., Ladkin, A., & Lian, X. (2024). Smart destination innovation and competitiveness to attract digital nomads. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. (ABS: 2)
  • Jia, G., Fan, D. X., Xu, J. & Shen, J. (2023). Tourist Prosocial Behavior: Scale Development and its Role between Tourist Destination Social Exclusion and Wellbeing. Journal of Sustainable Tourism (ABS: 3)
  • Fan, D. X., Buhalis, D., Fragkaki, E. & Yun-Ru Tsai (2023). Active ageing: Value co-creation in tourism from a customer-dominant logic. Journal of Travel Research. (ABS: 4)
  • Dai, M., Fan, D. X., Wang, R., Yang, O., & Ma, X. (2023). Rural tourism revitalizing the countryside? An exploration from the spatial reconstruction perspective. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. (ABS: 2)
  • Lyu, J., Wang, X., & Fan, D. X. (2023). Ageing in the context of accompanying migration: A leisure stress coping perspective. Leisure Studies (ABS: 2) DOI: 10.1080/02614367.2023.2230529
  • Jia, G., Yao, Y., Fan, D. X. & Liu, X. (2023). Co-creation and Co-destruction: The Value Created via the Interactions between Adult Children and Their Parents during Travel. Tourism Tribune. DOI: 10.19765/j.cnki.1002-5006.2023.00.001
  • Guo, Q., Shen, H., Fan, D. X. & Buhalis, D. (2023). How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Employee Job Performance: An Integrated Perspective of Psychological Needs Fulfillment and Organizational Identification. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. (ABS: 3)
  • Shang, K., Fan, D. X. & Buhalis, D (2023). Resilience during COVID-19: Local tour guides' self-efficacy and dynamic capacity building through sharing economy platforms. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. (ABS: 3)
  • Luo, J. M., Fan, D. X., & Fan, Y. (2023). Regional city integration and its impacts on tourism development. Anatolia, 1-18.
  • Shen, H., Zhao, C., Fan, D. X. & Buhalis, D. (2022). The effect of hotel livestreaming on viewers' purchase intention: Exploring the role of parasocial interaction and emotional engagement. International Journal of Hospitality Management. (ABS: 3)
  • Fan, D. X. & Jia, G. (2022). How do Tourists Respond to Meta-stereotypes? Understanding Their Willingness to Interact, Self-presentation and the Role of Power. Tourism Management. (ABS: 4)
  • Luo, K. & Fan, D. X. (2022) Exploring Entertainment Tourism Experience in Integrated Resorts through a Process-Based Perspective. Anatolia.
  • Yu, I., Yang, M., Fan, X. F. & Zeng, K. (2022). Can travelling abroad experiences trigger tourist misbehaviours? The role of moral relativism Current Issues in Tourism. (ABS: 2)
  • Tomczyk, A., Buhalis, D., Fan, D. X. & Williams, N. (2022). Price-personalization: Customer typology based on hospitality business. Journal of Business Research. (ABS: 3)
  • Jia, G., Yao, Y., & Fan, D. X. (2022). Travel in your way or in my way? Resolution of conflict between young adult children and their parents during family vacation decision-making. Current Issues of Tourism. DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2022.2037527 (ABS: 2)
  • Fan, D. X., Hsu, C.H. & Liu, A. (2021). Transforming brand identity to hotel performance: The moderating effect of social capital. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. DOI: 10.1177/10963480221074278 (ABS: 2)
  • Dai, M., Fan, D. X., Wang, R., Ou, Y. & Ma, X. (2021). Residents' social capital in rural tourism development: Guanxi in housing demolition. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. (ABS: 2)
  • Wassler, P. & Fan, D. X. (2021). A tale of four futures: Tourism academia and COVID-19. Tourism Management Perspectives. (ABS: 2)
  • Fan, D. X. (2021). Understanding the tourist-resident relationship through social contact: Progressing the development of social contact in tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. (ABS: 3)
  • Fan, D. X., Tsaur, S. H., Lin, J. H., Chang, T. & Tsai, Y. R. (2021). Tourist Intercultural Competence: A Multidimensional Measurement and its Impact on Tourist Active Participation and Memorable Cultural Experiences. Journal of Travel Research. (ABS: 4)
  • Lin, J. H., Fan, D. X., Tsaur, S. H., & Tsai, Y. R. (2021). Tourists' cultural competence: A cosmopolitan perspective among Asian tourists. Tourism Management, 83, 104207. DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2020.104207 (ABS: 4)
  • Fan, D. X., Qiu, H., Jenkins, C. L., & Lau, C. (2020). Towards a better tourist-host relationship: the role of social contact between tourists' perceived cultural distance and travel attitude. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2020.1783275 (ABS: 3)
  • Liu, A., Fan, D. X., & Qiu, R. (2020). Does Culture Affect Tourism Demand? A Global Perspective. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. DOI: 10.1177/1096348020934849 (ABS: 2)
  • Qian, J., Law, R., & Fan, D. X.* (2020). Exploring tourists' experience at private social dining: Dimensionality and satisfaction. International Journal of Tourism Research. DOI: 10.1002/jtr.2379 (ABS: 2)
  • Ma, X. L., Dai, M. L., & Fan, D. X. (2020). Cooperation or confrontation? Exploring stakeholder relationships in rural tourism land expropriation. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1-19. DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2020.1762622 (ABS: 3)
  • Liu, A. X., Hsu, C. H., & Fan, D. X. (2020). From brand identity to brand equity: a multilevel analysis of the organization–employee bidirectional effects in upscale hotels. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. DOI: 10.1108/IJCHM-08-2019-0680 (ABS: 3)
  • Ma, X. L., Dai, M. L., & Fan, D. X. (2020). Land expropriation in tourism development: Residents' attitudinal change and its influencing mechanism. Tourism Management, 76, 103957. DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2019.103957 (ABS: 4)
  • Fan, D. X., Hsu, C. H., & Lin, B. (2020). Tourists' experiential value co-creation through online social contacts: Customer-dominant logic perspective. Journal of Business Research, 108, 163-173. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.11.008 (ABS: 3)
  • Liu, Y., Yao, Y., & Fan, D. X. (2020). Evaluating Tourism Market Regulation from Tourists' Perspective: Scale Development and Validation. Journal of Travel Research, 59(6), 975-992. DOI: 10.1177/0047287519871107 (ABS: 4)
  • Qiu, D., Lin, P. M., Feng, S. Y., Peng, K. L., & Fan, D. X. (2020). The future of Airbnb in China: industry perspective from hospitality leaders. Tourism Review. 75(4), 609-624. DOI: 10.1108/TR-02-2019-0064 (ABS: 1)
  • Luo, J. M., Lam, C. F., & Fan, D. X. (2020). The development of measurement scale for entertainment tourism experience: A case study in Macau. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(7), 852-866. DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2018.1556251 (ABS: 2)
  • Fan, D. X., Buhalis, D., & Lin, B. (2019). A tourist typology of online and face-to-face social contact: Destination immersion and tourism encapsulation/decapsulation. Annals of Tourism Research, 78, 102757. DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2019.102757 (ABS: 4)
  • Yao, B., Qiu, R. T., Fan, D. X., Liu, A., & Buhalis, D. (2019). Standing out from the crowd–an exploration of signal attributes of Airbnb listings. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 31(2), 4520-4542. DOI: 10.1108/IJCHM-02-2019-0106 (ABS: 3)
  • Lin, P. M., Fan, D. X., Zhang, H. Q., & Lau, C. (2019). Spend less and experience more: Understanding tourists' social contact in the Airbnb context. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 83, 65-73. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2019.04.007 (ABS: 3)
  • Qin, Y., Gu, H., Li, B., & Fan, D.X. (2019). The Chinese hospitality industry: a perspective article. Tourism Review. 75(1), 117-121. DOI: 10.1108/TR-05-2019-0196 (ABS: 1)
  • Lin, P. M., Qiu Zhang, H., Hung, K., Lin, B., & Fan, D. X. (2019). Stakeholders' views of travelers' choice of Airbnb. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 36(9), 1037-1049. DOI: 10.1080/10548408.2019.1687390 (ABS: 2)
  • Lau, C. K., Fan, D. X.*, Milne, S., Qiu, H., & Sun, M. (2019). Chinese venturers to pacific small island developing states: travel and lifestyle. International Journal of Tourism Research, 21(5), 665-674. DOI: 10.1002/jtr.2289 (ABS: 2)
  • Fan, D. X., Liu, A., & Qiu, R. T. (2019). Revisiting the relationship between host attitudes and tourism development: A utility maximization approach. Tourism Economics, 25(2), 171-188. DOI: 10.1177/1354816618794088 (ABS: 2)
  • Qiu, H., Fan, D. X., Lyu, J., Lin, P. M., & Jenkins, C. L. (2019). Analyzing the economic sustainability of tourism development: Evidence from Hong Kong. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 43(2), 226-248. DOI: 10.1177/1096348018777046 (ABS: 2)
  • Fan, D. X., Zhang, H. Q., Jenkins, C. L., & Lin, P. M. (2017). Does tourist–host social contact reduce perceived cultural distance?. Journal of Travel Research, 56(8), 998-1010. DOI: 10.1177/0047287517696979 (ABS: 4)
  • Fan, D. X., Zhang, H. Q., Jenkins, C. L., & Tavitiyaman, P. (2017). Tourist typology in social contact: An addition to existing theories. Tourism Management, 60, 357-366. DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2016.12.021 (ABS: 4)
  • Qiu Zhang, H., Fan, D. X.*, Tse, T. S., & King, B. (2017). Creating a scale for assessing socially sustainable tourism. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25(1), 61-78. DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2016.1173044 (ABS: 3)
  • Fan, D. X., Zhang, Q. H., & Jenkins, C. L. (2016). Does social contact lessen perceived cultural distance? Evidence from tourist–host social contact. Annals of Tourism Research, 61, 223-225 (research note). DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2016.08.002 (ABS: 4)
  • Fan, D. X., Qiu, H., Hsu, C. H., & Liu, Z. G. (2015). Comparing motivations and intentions of potential cruise passengers from different demographic groups: the case of China. Journal of China Tourism Research, 11(4), 461-480. DOI: 10.1080/19388160.2015.1108888 (ABS: 1)
  • Chen, C., Shen, H., & Fan, D. X. (2015). Hai Di Lao Hot Pot: From Employee Stimulation to Service Innovation. Journal of China Tourism Research, 11(3), 337-348. DOI: 10.1080/19388160.2015.1082526 (ABS: 1)
  • Fan, D. X.*, & Hsu, C. H. (2014). Potential mainland Chinese cruise travelers' expectations, motivations, and intentions. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 31(4), 522-535. DOI: 10.1080/10548408.2014.883948 (ABS: 2)

* Corresponding author


Book Chapters:

  • Xuefeng Fan (2021). Social Contact. In D. Buhalis Edited. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, UK.
  • Carson Lewis Jenkins and Xuefeng Fan (2021). Government. In D. Buhalis Edited. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, UK.
  • Kaiti Shang, Xuefeng Fan and Dimitrios Buhalis (2021). Streaming. In D. Buhalis Edited. Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Cheltenham, UK.
  • Xuefeng Fan (2023). eLearning in Tourism. In J. Jafari, and H. Xiao (eds.), Encyclopedia of Tourism, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-01669-6_717-1


Edited Books:

Title: Tourism and Hospitality Strategies and Global Challenges

Editors: Dimitrios Buhalis, Xuefeng Fan, Leonidas Efthymiou, Alkis Thrassou, and Demetris Vrontis.

Publishers / Copyright Palgrave Macmillan - Springer Nature Switzerland.

Estimated official publication: Early 2025.


Refereed Conference Papers:

  • Xuefeng Fan, Jiaying Lyu, Yi Huang, Kaiti Shang and Dimitrios Buhalis (2024). Senior tourists' digital travel experience: A humanisation perspective. ENTER24 - eTourism Conference by IFITT, 17-19 January, 2024, Izmir, Türkiye.
  • Bohan Liu, Hanaa Osman and Xuefeng Fan (2023). The mechanisms of Chinese one-child generation female travel intention influenced by identity, culture, and gender. Surrey 2023 Conference, 5 -7 July 2023, Guildford, UK.
  • Xuefeng Fan, Dimitrios Buhalis, Evangelia Fragkaki and Yun-Ru Tsai (2023) Senior Tourists' Value Co-Creation Nexus and Routines in Services: A Customer-Dominant Logic Perspective, 2023 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, May 17-19, 2023, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Bohan Liu, Hanaa Osman and Xuefeng Fan (2023). Exploring one child generation Chinese females' meaning and intention of travel: from the perspective of culture and gender. Travel and Tourism Research Association’s (TTRA) 2023 European Chapter Conference, 24-26 April 2023, Dijon, France
  • Xuefeng Fan, Dimitrios Buhalis, and Yun-Ru Tsai (2021). Active ageing: Value co-creation in tourism from a customer-dominant logic. In 2021 Asia-Pacific CHRIE. Online.
  • Xuefeng Fan, Dimitrios Buhalis, Evangelia Fragkaki and Yun-Ru Tsai (2020). Achieving active ageing through value and value co-creation in leisure and tourism. In: International Travel and Tourism Research Association Annual Conference. Online.
  • Xuefeng Fan and Anyu Liu (2020). The Effects of Online and Face-to-face Experiential Value Co-creation on Tourists' Wellbeing. In: Annual eTourism Conference (ENTER) 8-10 January 2020 Surrey, UK.
  • Xuefeng Fan, Dimitrios Buhalis and Evangelia Fragkaki (2019). Towards a Better Quality of Life: Value Co-Creation with the Active Elderly in Leisure Service. In Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference 9-11 July 2019 Dundee, UK.
  • Xuefeng Fan, Anyu Liu, Doris Wu and Gang Li (2019). The impact of social contact on diaspora tourism – a mediating role of social identities. In 2019 APacCHRIE & EuroCHRIE Joint Conference 22-25 May 2019 Hong Kong SAR.
  • Xuefeng Fan (2019). Towards a Better Tourist-Host Relationship: The Role of Social Contact between Perceived Cultural Distance and Travel Attitude. In Travel and Tourism Research Association's (TTRA) 2019 European Chapter Conference 8-10 April 2019 Bournemouth University, UK.
  • Xuefeng Fan, Dimitrios Buhalis and Bingna Lin (2019). Online and Face-to-Face Social Contact and Tourists' Destination Immersion. In: Annual eTourism Conference (ENTER) 29 January-1 February 2019 Nicosia, Cyprus.
  • My Lihn Hoang and Xuefeng Fan (2018). An Exploratory Study of High-End Peer-to-Peer Accommodation's Guest Experience. In: 27th Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME) Annual Research Conference 21-25 May 2018 Bournemouth University, UK.
  • Tianran Qiu, Xuefeng Fan, and Anyu Liu (2018). Exploring the Booking Determinants of the Airbnb Properties: An Example of the Listings of London. In: Annual eTourism Conference (ENTER) 24-26 January 2018 Jönköping, Sweden. Springer, 44-51.
  • Xuefeng Fan, Anyu Liu, and Tianran Qiu. (2017). The Impact of the Culture Distance on Tourism Demand--An Econometric Method from a Global Perspective. In: Advances in Tourism Marketing Conferences 2017 6-9 September 2017 Casablanca, Morocco.
  • Pearl Lin, Xuefeng Fan, Hanqin Qiu, and Kam Hung (2017). Spend Less and Experience More: Understanding the Social Contact in Airbnb Context. In: The Visitor Economy: Strategies and Innovations 4-6 September 2017 Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK.
  • Chloe Lau, Hanqin Qiu, Xuefeng Fan, and Simon Milne. (2017). Exploring Chinese Tourists' Constraints and Facilitators of Traveling to Pacific SIDS. In: 3rd Global Tourism and Hospitality Conference 5-7 June 2017 Hong Kong.
  • Xuefeng Fan (2017). 35th International Society of Travel & Tourism Educators (ISTTE) annual conference, "Global Strategies in Tourism & Hospitality Education", Hangzhou, China, October 12–14, 2016. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism, 1-3. (Invited Conference report)
  •  Chloe Lau, Hanqin Qiu, Simon Milne, Xuefeng Fan and Mindy Sun (2017). Getting Ready for the Chinese Wave: Exploring the Tourism Social Sustainability in Pacific SIDS (Extended Abstract). The 27th Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) Annual Conference, 7-10 February, Dunedin, New Zealand.
  • Xuefeng Fan (2016). The 21st Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism: 7–9 January 2016, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Anatolia, 1-3. (Invited Conference report)
  • Xuefeng Fan and Hanqin Qiu (2016). Exploring the Dimensionality of Tourist-Host Social Contact and the Typology of Tourists (Extended Abstract). The 21st Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Hanqin Qiu, Xuefeng Fan, Tony Tse and Pearl Lin (2015). Scale Development for Social Sustainability of Tourism (Extended Abstract). The 2015 Annual ICHRIE Summer Conference, Orlando, FL.
  • Hanqin Qiu, Xuefeng Fan and Billy Bai (2015). Antecedents of Switching Behavior in the Hotel Industry (Extended Abstract). The 5th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management Conference, Beppu, Japan.
  • Xuefeng Fan and Hanqin Qiu (2015) Cultural Distance Research in Tourist Behavior - Review and Critique (Extended Abstract). The 11thNew Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand.
  • Xuefeng Fan and Hanqin Qiu (2014) Cultural Differences and Travel Experience - Evidence from Hong Kong Residents Traveling to Mainland China (Extended Abstract). The 12th APacCHRIE Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Xuefeng Fan and Hanqin Qiu (2014). An Exploratory Study of Demographic Influences on Cruisers' Motivation and Intention (Extended Abstract). The 19th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Houston, TX.
  • Xuefeng Fan and Cathy Hsu (2011). Relationship among Expectation, Motivation, and Intention of Chinese Cruise Travelers (Extended Abstract). Asia Pacific Tourism Association, 2011 Seoul Conference.


Journal Editorship

  • Associate Editor for "Tourism Review" SSCI (2021-present)
  • Managing Editor for the "Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism" ESSCI (2020-present)
  • Editorial board member of "Tourism Management" SSCI (2024-)
  • Editorial board member of "Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research" SSCI (2023-2025)
  • Editorial board member of "The Service Industries Journal" SSCI (2024-2027)


Journal Invited Reviewer:

  • Annals of Tourism Research;
  • Tourism Management;
  • Journal of Travel Research;
  • International Journal of Hospitality Management;
  • International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management;
  • Journal of Sustainable Tourism;
  • Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research;
  • Current Issues in Tourism;
  • International Journal of Tourism Research;
  • Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing;
  • Journal of China Tourism Research.


Research Grants/Projects

Year: 2024-2026

Fund Sources: British Council (UK-Global)

Title: Going Global Partnerships 2023: UK – Malaysia

Role Played: ProjectCo-Investigator (Tourism & Hospitality subject Principal Investigator):


Year: 2022

Fund Sources: British Academy Early Career Researcher Network, UK

Title: Comparing the operation mechanism, participants' motivation and wellbeing between community-based charities

in the UK and China

Role Played: Co-Investigator:


Year: 2022-2023

Fund Sources: TOSHIBA International Foundation

Title: Digitisation and transmission of Japanese culture and lifestyle: proposals and discussions on audience interaction

and information dissemination in metaverse spaces

Role Played: Co-Investigator:


Year: 2022

Fund Sources: Charity Impact Fund, Bournemouth University, UK

Title: Establishing a wellbeing tracing system in community charity programme participation-Collaboration with

Grounded Community

Role Played: Co-Investigator:


Year: 2021

Fund Sources: ESRC Festival of Social Science 2021

Title: Nature and Health Today and Tomorrow

Role Played: Co-Investigator:


Year: 2021

Fund Sources: Higher Education Innovation Fund, Research England

Title: Promoting West African destinations through digital marketing: Market segmentation, social media optimization

and beyond

Role Played: Principal investigator (PI):


Year: 2021

Fund Sources: QR funding, Bournemouth University, UK

Title: Humanising digital tourism experience for senior tourists: Conceptualisation, diagnosis and progression

Role Played: Principal investigator (PI):


Year: 2019

Fund Sources: QR funding, Bournemouth University, UK

Title: Stay or Move? Exploring Chinese senior empty-nesters' social wellbeing.

Role Played:Principal investigator (PI):



Fund Sources: British Academy, UK (SRG18R1\180907)

Title: Towards a Better Quality of Life: Value Co-Creation in Leisure with the Active Elderly

Role Played: Principal investigator (PI):


Year: 2018

Fund Sources: Acorn Fund, Bournemouth University, UK

Title: Exploring the effects of online and offline social contact on tourists' experience co-creation

Role Played: Principal investigator (PI):


Fund Sources: Year: 2018-present

Title: Early Career Research Support, QR funding, Bournemouth University, UK

Role Played: Exploring tourists' online social contact and travel experience

Principal investigator (PI):



Conference Organization Experiences

  • Co-Chair of organizational and scientific committee of the “Travel and Tourism Research Association, Europe Chapter Annual Conference (EuroTTRA) 2019, Bournemouth, UK”;
  • Chair of the “Students’ Hospitality Excellence Conference Executive Committee of the Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME) 2018, Bournemouth, UK”;
  • Executive Secretary of conference organizing committee for the “35th Annual Conference of the International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators (ISTTE), Hangzhou, China, 2016”.
  • Editorial Assistant of paper review (education track): “Annual ICHRIE Summer Conference” (2014 to present).
  • Editorial Assistant for the proceedings of “19th Annual Graduate Education and Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism, Houston, TX, 2014”.


Teaching Experience

Course Name

Course Level


Tourism Marketing Innovation (unit leader)



Destinations: Contexts for Tourism & Hospitality



e-Tourism and Digital Marketing



Consumer Experience and Behavior



Global Hospitality and Tourism Issues



Tourism Experience and Behavior



Research Methods

Undergraduate and postgraduate (Doctor and Master)


Tourism: China and the World

(bilingual, unit leader)



Special Event Project

Undergraduate (Capstone project)





Cruise Services and Management




Public Engagement & Outreach Activities

  • Invited Speaker for "The Over 50s Holiday Market" hosted by Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA), London, November, 2018
  • Invited Speaker for the Public Policy Exchange Forum: "Tourism in the UK: Building for the Future and Supporting Further Growth ", London, March, 2019
  • Keynote Speaker for Denkmal-International trade fair for heritage preservation, restoration and museum technology, Moscow, Russia 5-7 Nov. 2019
  • Guest Lecturer for The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Moscow, Russia, 5 Nov. 2019
  • Guest Lecturer for Nankai University, China, April 2020
  • Guest Lecturer for City University of Macau, Macau, SAR, May 2020
  • Invited Speaker for Italian Society of Tourism Science Annual Forum. 2 October, 2020.
  • Lecturer Advisor for Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) UK BU Student Chapter
  • Mentor of the Travpose (social tourism enterprise based in Indonesia)
  • Invited Speaker for the Webinar “Women’s Voices in Tourism”. 17 April 2021.
  • Keynote Speaker for the Webinar “Preparing industry toward foreseeable unexpected events: Lessons during COVID-19 pandemic”. 10 July 2021.
  • Invited Speaker for Diversity & Sustainability – Opportunities and Threats' (DSOTT) Conference, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 31 May-2 June 2023.
  • Guest Lecturer for Macao Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao, China, 25 August 2023.
  • Invited Speaker for the 12th International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality between China and Spain (ICT 2023), Jinan University, Shenzhen, China, 3-5 November 2023.


Collaborative companies and organisations in teaching and research/grants:

  • Enable My Trip (charity, act as Academic Advisor)
  • Expectations Travel (online travel agent, guest lecture)
  • West African Tourism Organization (WATO, charity, partner of the BU HEIF grant, awarded)
  • Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum (annual educational visit for tourism master students)
  • Grounded Community, Boscombe (community charity, partner of the BU Charity Impact grant, awarded)
  • Hotel Miramar (Partner for British Academy grant, awarded)
  • Bournemouth Town Centre BID (Partner for British Academy grant, awarded)
  • Visit Cornwall (European project UK partner)
  • Cornwall Heritage Trust (European project UK partner)
  • Go New Forest (National Lottery Heritage Fund partner)