Su Xinwei, Professor


School of Tourism, Liming Vocational University



Personal Introduction

Xinwei Su is a Professor/Ph.D. of Tourism College and the Director of Maritime Silk Road Trading and Cultural Tourism

Research Center in Liming Vocational University. As the guest associate editor of Frontier Psychology, he has been invited as the guest professor by several domestic and foreign universities, as well as the editor/reviewer of over 10 international

journals (SSCI/SCI). Since his appointment, he has published over 20 papers in international authoritative journals (SSCI)

and more than 40 articles in domestic journals. He is in charge of more than 10 provincial and municipal projects,

including Social Sciences Research Project, Joint Project on Science and Technology Innovation Strategy Research and

Educational Science Planning Project of Fujian Province. As a major member, he has also participated in more than 10

ministerial projects, including National Social Science Projects, Key Social Science Projects of Fujian Province and projects of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Taking charge of many industrial development planning and tourist attraction

planning programs for different counties and towns, he is also a veteran in county industrial development planning,

county agricultural industrial park planning, tourism scenic spot safety planning and tourism activity design. He has

published 4 reports on political advice so far, one of which was received positive approval from the vice governor and has been published in Fujian Provincial Party Committee's "Bamin Express".


His main research interests include development and planning of tourism resources; cultural tourism, Intangible Cultural Heritage safeguarding and tourism development, hospitality and tourism marketing.


Academic Qualifications

Ph.D. City University of Macau

M.D. Southwest Forestry University

BA. Huaqiao University


Part-Time Academic Position

Legislative Advisory Expert, Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Quanzhou City

Science and Technology Specialists, Department of Science and Technology, Fujian Province

Visiting Professor/Ph.D. Supervisor, International College, Krirk University, Thailand

Visiting Professor/Master Supervisor, Anxi College of Tea Science, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University

Visiting Researcher, Tourism and Service Management Research Center, Huaqiao University

Visiting Professor, Institute of Science, Technology and Society, Fuzhou University

Postdoctoral fellow in Applied Economics, School of Economics and Finance, Huaqiao University

Visiting Professor, School of Physical Education, Sanya University

Researcher, Leisure Sports Research Center, Sanya University

Visiting Researcher, County Area Research Center, Quanzhou Vocational and Technical University

Member of the Expert Committee of the Rural Revitalization Research Institute of Quanzhou Vocational and Technical University


Areas of Research Expertise

Leisure and Health-preserving

Intangible Cultural Heritage

Well-being Tourism

Cultural Tourism


Areas of Teaching Expertise

Research Method and Advanced Statistics

Public Health and Tourism

Tourism Marketing

Tourism Studies


Professional Certification and Awards

Tour Guide Certificate of the People's Republic of China

First-class Tea Technician of the People's Republic of China

Third Prize of the Third Fujian Province Business Economic Excellence Research Achievements


Professional Society Membership

The International Ecotourism Society, Academic member

Fujian Provincial Business & Economic Research Association, Director

Fujian Food & Beverage Research Association, Standing Director

International association for tourism and regional development, Standing Director


Editorial Board Member

Heritage (ESCI, Guest Editor)

Tourism and Hospitality (Guest Editor)

Journal of Tourism & Hospitality

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education (ESCI)

Frontier in Psychology (SSCI-Q1, Guest Associate Editor)




Religions (A&HCI)

Ethnicities (SSCI-Q2)

IEEE Access (SCI-Q2)


Sustainability (SSCI-Q2)

Tourism Reviewer (SSCI-Q1)

Behavioral Science (SSCI-Q3)

Social Behavior and Personality (SSCI-Q4)

Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing (SSCI-Q1)

International Journal Hospitality Management (SSCI-Q1)

International Journal Contemporary Hospitality Management (SSCI-Q1)

Academic Publication

Journal Paper


  • Niantao Jiao, Jie Yin, Xinwei Su, The Mechanism of the Effect of Coaching Leadership on Employee Service Performance: Effect of Tandem and Multiple Mediations. Frontiers in Psychology, Under Review (SSCI-Q1, IF: 4.232) Corresponding Author
  • Xingqin Qu, Jie Yin Xinwei Su, Distance Decay? Configuration analysis of the influence of multidimensional distance on health tourism flow in China. Tourism Economics, Under Review (SSCI-Q1, IF: 4.582) Corresponding Author



  • Xinwei Su, Xingqin Qu, Jie Yin, Remember History and Cherish Peace: A study on the formation mechanism of tourists' initiative in dark tourism destinations. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Under review (SSCI-Q1, IF: 8.178)
  • Jie Yin, Xingqin Qu, Xinwei Su, Can information tell a story? Can story attributes of short travel videos stimulate impulsive travel intention? Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Under Review (SSCI-Q1, IF: 7.629) Corresponding Author
  • Wenqi Ruan, Yan Zhou, Yongquan Li, Xinwei Su, Shuning Zhang, Fang Deng, Will you communicate crisis information? The influence of tourism crisis information form on secondary crisis communication of social media users. Journal of Travel Research, Minor Revision (SSCI-Q1, IF: 8.933)
  • Qiuping Chen, Wenqiang Wang, Xinwei Su, Moral Gaze and Value Inheritance: Exploration of the Evolution Mechanism of Tourists' Environmentally Responsible Behavior. Journal of Psychology in Africa, Under Review (SSCI-Q2, IF: 2.032) Corresponding Author
  • Jiamin Liu; Xi Li; Ling Zhang; Qian Lu; Xinwei Su, Authenticity, psychological ownership and tourist commitment in heritage tourism: the moderating effect of cultural intelligence. Current Issues in Tourism, December 15, 2022 (SSCI-Q2, IF: 7.578)
  • Juan Jiang; Qing Xia; Ying Tang; Youcheng Chen; Xinwei Su, How does nature heal tourists in the context of Covid-19? The perspective of emotional mechanism, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, August 05, 2022 (SSCI-Q1, IF: 7.629) Corresponding Author
  • Juan Liu, Xi Li, Hong Chen, Xinwei Su & Runzhe Yu. Bed and Breakfast (B&B) social servicescape and customer satisfaction: Positive emotion mediation and sex moderation, Journal of Psychology in Africa, May 03, 2022 (SSCI-Q4)
  • Xi Li, Juan Liu, Xinwei Su, Yinan Xiao, Changbin Xu, Exploration of leisure constraints perception in the context of a pandemic: an empirical study of the Macau Light Festival, Frontiers in Psychology, Frontier in Psychology, February 18, 2022 (SSCI-Q1, IF: 4.232)
  • Juan Jiang, Bo Gao, Xinwei Su, Antecedents of tourists' environmentally responsible behavior: The perspective of awe, Frontiers in Psychology, Frontier in Psychology, February 10, 2022 (SSCI-Q1, IF: 4.232)



  • Xi Li, Juan Liu, Xinwei Su, Effects of motivation and emotion on experiential value and festival brand equity: The moderating effect of self-congruity, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, November 20, 2021 (SSCI-Q1, IF: 7.629)
  • Xiaoping Hu, Xi Li, Iok Teng Esther Kou, Xinwei Su, Macao residents’ attitude to the free independent travelers’ policy (FIT): from the perspective of ABC model and group comparison, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, June 30, 2021 (SSCI-Q2, IF: 4.074)
  • Xi Li, Runze Yu, Xinwei Su, Environmental beliefs and pro-environmental behavioral intention of an environmentally themed exhibition audience: the mediation role of exhibition attachment, Sage Open, March 31, 2020 (SSCI-Q2, IF: 2.032)



  • Xi Li, Xinwei Su*, Yunqian Du, The exhibition environmental sustainability in visitors ’eyes: scale development and validation, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, December 17, 2020 (SSCI-Q1, IF: 7.629) Corresponding Author
  • Xi Li, Xinwei Su*. Experiential branded app engagement and brand loyalty: An empirical study in the context of a festival, Journal of Psychology in Africa, October 22, 2020 (SSCI-Q4) Corresponding Author
  • Qun Li, Xi Li, Wei Chen, Xinwei Su, Involvement, place attachment, and environmentally responsible behaviour connected with geographical indication products, Tourism Geographical, September 30, 2020 (SSCI-Q1, IF: 11.355)
  • Xinwei Su, Xi Li, Zhiming Zheng, Yingchuang Wang. Awe of intangible cultural heritage: The perspective of religious tourist, SAGE OPEN, July 16, 2020 (SSCI-Q2, IF: 2.032)
  • Xinwei Su, Xi Li, Yanbin Wu, Limei Yao, How is intangible cultural heritage valued in the eyes of inheritors? Scale development and validation, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism research, April 15, 2020 (SSCI-Q2, IF 4.317)
  • Xinwei Su, Xi Li, Weiqiang Chen, Tao Zeng, Subjective vitality, authenticity experience, and intangible cultural heritage tourism: an empirical study of the puppet show, Journal of Travel & Tourism Management, April 1, 2020 (SSCI-Q1, IF: 8.178)
  • Jin Wu, Xi Li, Bo Gao, Xinwei Su, Testing the Benefits of Serious Leisure on Young-old Participants in Chinese Senior Universities: from the Perspective of Successful Aging, SAGE OPEN, March 31, 2020 (SSCI-Q2, IF: 2.032)



  • Xi Li, Xinwei Su*, Xiaoping Hu, Limei Yao, The app users' emotional reactions and festival satisfaction: the mediation role of situational involvement, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, October 22, 2019 (SSCI-Q1, IF: 8.178) Corresponding Author
  • Ke Shen, Chuang Geng, Xinwei Su, Antecedents of residents’ pro-tourism behavioral intention: place image, place attachment and attitude, Frontiers in Psychology, Oct 02, 2019. (SSCI-Q1, IF: 4.232)
  • Xinwei Su, Xi Li, Yanxin Kang, A Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Intangible Cultural Heritage Using Citespace, SAGE OPEN, April 4, 2019 (SSCI-Q2, IF: 2.032)
  • Xinwei Su, Ying Tang, Limei Yao, Analysis on Knowledge Map of Intangible Cultural Heritage Tourism Research in China, Journal of Lingnan Normal University October 25,2019 (Chinese)
  • Xinwei Su, Yanxin Kang, Liping Hong, Journal of Chengdu Normal University, Knowledge Visualization Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Literature of Tourism Management, March 01, 2019 (Chinese)


Before 2019

  • Xinwei Su, Jinhua Chen, Xinying Zhang, Research on Family Hotel E-commerce: A Case Study of Gulangyu, Journal of Shanxi Normal University (Natural Science Edition), June 2016 (Chinese)
  • Xinwei Su, Jinhua Chen, Yi Zhang, On Tourists' Perception of the Security of the National Water-conservation-oriented Parkland: Taking the Jiulihu Parkland for Example, Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University (Social Science Edition), April 17 2015 (Chinese)
  • Xinwei Su, Jinhua Chen, Yi Zhang, On the Tourism Spatial Structure of Xia-Zhang-Quan Metropolis from the View of City-integration, Journal of Honghe University, April 13 2015 (Chinese)
  • Xinwei Su, Jinhua Chen, Yi Zhang, Budget Travel Safety Issues and Response Mechanism, Journal of Hubei University of Arts and Science, September 16 2014 (Chinese)
  • Xinwei Su, The Influence and Countermeasures of Taiwan Investment on Tourism to Fujian Province's Tourist Industry, FUTURE AND DEVELOPMENT, August 7 2011 (CSSCIE, Chinese)
  • Xinwei Su, Li yang, Tourism Resources Integration along Quanzhou-Sanming Freeway Quanzhou Section, Resource Development & Market, December 29 2013, (CSSCIE, Chinese)
  • Xinwei Su, Ji Li, Discusses FDI's Effect on Industrial Structure in the Economic Zone of West Side of the Taiwan Straits, SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND INDUSTRY, October 8, 2008 (Chinese)
  • Xinwei Su, A Study of the Real Estate Exploitation of Island Tourism, JOURNAL OF JIANGXI SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY NORMAL UNIVERSITY, May 5 2008 (Chinese)
  • Xinwei Su, Discussion on the Hotel Emergencies Emergency Management, SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND INDUSTRY, March 01, 2020 (Chinese)
  • Xinwei Su, Qiaohua He, Xin Dong, Biodiversity Conservation Element In Minority Culture, FOREST INVENTORY AND PLANNING, March 30 2010 (Chinese)
  • Xinwei Su, The Discussion of the Collision between Quanzhou City Planning and Religion Tourism, SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND INDUSTRY, July 22 2009 (Chinese)
  • Xinwei Su, Gengcong Su, Research on Fujian Industrial Design and Taiwan Industrial Design Exchange and Cooperation, SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND INDUSTRY, December 24 2013 (Chinese)
  • Xin dong, Xinwei Su, Qiaohua He, Quest the Development of Low-Carbon Tourism in the New Situation, FUTURE AND DEVELOPMENT, November 04 2010 (CSSCIE, Chinese)
  • Yi Zhang, Xinwei Su, Dongying Huang, Satisfaction of Hong Kong Residents on Ecological Education Function of Hong Kong Wetland Park and Its Influence Factors, Wetland Science, December 25, 2014, Doi: 10.13248/j.cnki.wetlandsci.2014.05.018 (CSCD, Chinese)

Conference Paper

  • Xinwei Su. Internet Thinking and Reengineering Strategy of Traditional Tourism Enterprises, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Culture, Education and Economic Development of Modern Society (ICCESE 2018), Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 205. (CPCI-SSH)
  • Xinwei Su, Yanxin Kang. Analysis on Competitive Strategy of Hotel Enterprises in the Context of Industrial, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (ICCESSH 2018), Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 233. (CPCI-SSH)


Research Projects

Principal Investigator

  • Joint Project on Science and Technology Innovation Strategy Research in Fujian Province. Research on the digital transformation path of science and technology associations in Fujian Province(2022R0163)
  • Master Plan for Tourism Development of AAAA Scenic Area in Yunhe Valley, Waishan Township, Yongchun County, Quanzhou City (2020.11-2021.3)
  • Shuiwei Forest scenic tourism safety emergency plan preparation. Guiyang Town, Yongchun County, Quanzhou City (2020.05-2020.09)
  • Assessment of the maximum carrying capacity of tourists in key scenic spots in Luojiang District, Quanzhou City (2020.07-2020.09)
  • Investigation on the Development of Sports Tourism Industry in Jinjiang County, Quanzhou City, 2019.7-2019.12
  • Liming Vocational University Foundation: Tourism Management Subject Innovation and Entrepreneurship Reform, 2017.8-2019.9
  • Beautiful Rural Planning of Dongshanyang Village, Sanban Town, Dehua County, Quanzhou City, 2019.7-2019.12
  • Beautiful Rural Planning of Qianfeng Village, Nancheng Town, Dehua County, Quanzhou City, 2019.3-2019.6
  • The Overall Tourism Planning of Jiufeng Ecological Leisure Tourism Zone in Yongchun County, Quanzhou City, 2018.9-2019.3
  • Quanzhou Jiusan Society Foundation: Research on Tourism Culture and Innovation of Xunpu Community in Fengze District of Quanzhou City, 2017.8
  • Fujian Social Science Planning Project, Research on Fujian's Taiwan-related Cultural Heritage Protection in the Process of Urbanization (No: 2014B200), 2014
  • Fujian Youth Education Research Project, Study on the Protection of Cultural Exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan in Urban Planning (No: JB13761S), 2013
  • Quanzhou Social Science Project, Study on the Protection of Quanzhou-Taiwan Exchange Cultural Heritage in the Process of Urbanization (No: 2013Q09), 2013
  • Fujian Provincial Department of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project, Exploring the New Connotation of "Changting Experience" from the Perspective of Tourism, (No: JB12653S), 2012
  • Fujian Education Science "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" Project, Research on the Training Mode of "Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents" (No: FJCGGJ12-030), 2012
  • Fujian Provincial Department of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project, Comparison of the Impact of Urban Planning in Fujian and Taiwan on Tourism Development: A Cultural Perspective, (No: JA11386S), 2011
  • Quanzhou Social Science Project, Developing Quanzhou's medical tourism to Taiwan, (No: 2010A-ZC06), 2010
  • Quanzhou Social Science Project, Study on the Integration of Tourism Resources along Quanzhou-Sanming Expressway, (No: 2009A-ZC01), 2009
  • Quanzhou Social Science Project, Study on the Conflict between Urban Planning and Religious Tourism in Quanzhou, (No: 2008A-QZ02), 2008


Major Participants

  • National Social Science Foundation Project, Study on the Process Mechanism and Realization Path of Cultural Resilience Enhancement in Tourist Places Driven by Digital Empowerment, 2022
  • Major Project of Fujian Provincial Social Science Foundation, Research on Fujian's Greater, Stronger and Better Culture and Tourism Economy, (No: FJ2022Z008)
  • Major Project of Fujian Provincial Social Science Foundation, Research on measures to promote the prevention and control of epidemics and economic and social development in the province in an integrated manner, (No: FJ2020Z003)
  • General project of All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, the influence mechanism and policy guidance of cultural tourism experience on inbound Chinese identity and national image communication, (No: 19BZQK234)
  • Xiamen Social Science Key Project, Research on the Innovative Development of Xiamen Nighttime Economy in the Context of Cultural Tourism Integration after the Epidemic, (No: 2020B08)
  • National Social Science Foundation: Study on the Development, Utilization and Safety Management of Island Tourism Resources in Four Regions, (No: 10BGL048)
  • Fujian Science and Technology Plan Key Project, Research on the development of Taiwan-funded tourism enterprises in Haixi District, (No: 2008R0053)
  • State Council Overseas Chinese Affairs Office Foundation: The Role of New Overseas Chinese in the Overseas Chinese Society and the Construction of the Motherland: Taking the Philippines as an Example, (No: GQBY2009038)
  • National Tourism Bureau Foundation: Research on the Influence of the Cooperation Network of Tourism Scholars in Four Regions on Knowledge Innovation Performance, (No: 17TACG017)
  • National Federation of Returned Overseas Foundation: A Study on the Relationship between Overseas Chinese's Social Network in Their Hometowns and Business and Tourism Activities in China——Taking Quanzhou's Hometown of Overseas Chinese as an Example, (No: 15BZQK219)
  • National Education Science "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" Foundation: Research on Scientific Research Cooperation Network and Innovation Performance of Tourism Subject Teachers in Four Universities across the Taiwan Straits, (No: DIA150310)
  • Fujian Provincial Department of Education Foundation: Survey on Human Resource Needs of Tourism Industry in Fujian Province, 2016
  • Fujian Provincial Department of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project, Research on Tourism Management of Fujian Tourism Island, (No: JA11384S)
  • Quanzhou Social Science Project, Analysis of the succession characteristics of successors based on the perspective of intergenerational inheritance, (No: 2011H10)
  • Fujian Social Science Planning Project, Study on the Construction of the Corridor's West Coast Heritage Corridor under the Background of the Maritime Silk Road Economic Belt Cooperation, (No: 2014C106)
  • Fujian Education Science "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" Project, Research on the School-enterprise Integration and Cooperation Model of Hospitality Management in Higher Vocational Colleges, (No: FJJKCGZ14-051), 2014
  • Fujian Youth Education Research Project, Study on the Development of Taiwan Inbound Tourism in Various Provinces of Fujian Province from the Perspective of Niche, (No: JAS14480), 2014
  • Macau Foundation: Strategic Research on the Improvement of Leisure Environment Quality in Macao in the Background of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, (No: MF1706)
  • Macau Foundation: Study on the Relationship between Leisure Involvement, Leisure Benefit and Subjective Well-being of Silver Hair Group, (No: MF1813)
  • Macau Foundation: A study on the influence of festival landscape on participants' experience and behavioral intention, (No: MF1906)
  • The First Five-year Planning for Taiwanese Investment Zone in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, Tourism special plan, 2011
  • The Overall Tourism Planning and AAA Level Design of Zimao Mountain in Jinjiang County, 2011
  • Study on the Feeding and Related Ecotourism Development of the Golden Monkey in Tangjiahe Nature Reserve, 2014
  • The Rural Tourism Development Planning of Ziyun Mountain, Yong'an County, 2014
  • The Overall Design of Quanzhou Museum AAAA Level, 2014
  • The Overall Tourism Planning of Zhangshulin Tourist Area, Tuling Town, Quangang District, Quanzhou City, 2015
  • Tourism Development Planning of Longling Community, Jinlong Street, Licheng District, Quanzhou City, 2015
  • Holistic Tourism Destinations Development Planning of Luojiang District, Quanzhou City, 2016
  • The Overall Planning of Sports Tourism in Sanya City, Hainan Province, 2018
  • The Overall Rural Tourism Planning of Lixin Village, Jiyang District, Sanya City, Hainan Province, 2018
  • Preparation of Tourism Safety Emergency Plan for Haisi Wildlife Park in Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, 2019


Edited Books and Book Chapters

  • Tourism Service Etiquette Skills Training, Mechanical Industry Press, 2013
  • Wine Appreciation and Service, Mechanical Industry Press, 2014


Special Report

  • It is recommended that the province seize the enthusiasm of medical tourism and develop rehabilitation tourism for Taiwan. For Fujian Provincial People's Government, 2016



  • A Solar Hat for Travelers (Np: ZL 2017 2 0422211.3)