Xiangjie Tang, Assistant Professor


Office:  4F, Building N                                                                 

Tel.:      8590-2305                                                                   

E-mail: xjtang@cityu.edu.mo                                                               


Academic Qualification:                                                                               

Doctor Degree              PhD, University of Macau

Master Degree              MSc, Sun Yat-sen University

Bachelor Degree           BBA, Nanjing Normal University


Working Experience                                                                             

From 2024/01 to Present           Assistant Professor, Faculty of International Tourism and Management,

                                                      City University of Macau


Teaching Area

Theories and Practice of MICE Travel

Planning and Operation Management of MICE and Events

China Hotel Development


Research Area

Customer psychology and behavior

Destination marketing

Tourist experience

Hotel management


Professional Society Membership

Journal Reviewer:

Current Issues in Tourism

Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research

Journal of Vacation Marketing


Conference paper Reviewer:

The Asia-Pacific CHRIE Conference


Academic Publication

Journal Paper

  • Tang, X., Fong, L. H. N., & So, A. S. I. (2024). Toward a framework for perceived yuanfen in the accommodation service encounter: a grounded theory study. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 36(1), 155-181. (SSCI)
  • Tang, X., Fong, L. H. N., & So, A. S. I. (2022). Feeling Lucky and Novelty Seeking during Vacation: The Mediating Role of Time Orientation. Leisure Sciences, 1-20. (SSCI)
  • 唐香姐, 徐紅罡. (2019). 大理打工旅遊者的流動力研究. 旅遊學刊, 34(10): 137-146. (CSSCI)
  • 唐香姐, 徐紅罡. (2015). 生活方式型移民研究綜述. 地理科學進展, 34(9): 1096-1106. (CSSCI)
  • 徐紅罡, 唐香姐. (2015). 流動性視角下打工旅 游者行為特徵研究——以大理古城為例[J]. 人文地理, 30(4): 129-135. (CSSCI)

Conference Paper

  • Tang, X., Fong, L. H. N. (2022), Chinese customers' perceived yuanfen in hotels and intention to recommend: Feeling of gratitude as a mechanism. Paper presented at the 2022 APacCHRIE Conference, Malaysia.
  • Tang, X., Fong, L. H. N. (2020),“Enjoy the present moment”: Present orientation, attitude towards new tourism experience, and the mediating effect of prevention focus. Proceedings of the 2020 APacCHRIE Conference, Hong Kong S.A.R., China.