Current Position:
Academic Qualifications:
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow,UK,博士(1999);
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,碩士(1993);
中國南開大學,本科(1986) ;
American Hotel & Lodging Association, Washington, D.C., CHE (1996)
Academic Experience:
現任浙大城市學院國際文化旅遊學院院長、特聘教授、博導。同時,兼任浙江大學,天津商學院,美國奧克拉荷馬州立大學客座教授,華南理工大學講座教授,順德職業技術學院的榮譽教授,中山大學教學管理顧問。擔任多個機構的學術兼職。從2015起擔任Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism的主編,並受邀擔任過International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management和 Journal of Vacation Marketing中國酒店與旅遊發展專題的客座主編與International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management的區域主編。已在旅遊與酒店管理方面的國際主流期刊發了90餘篇優質的SSCI論文,並在所有大型旅遊國際會議上宣講過她的研究成果。曾出任香港理工大學酒店與旅遊業管理學院中國碩士研究生專案的負責人,並自1999年起與浙江大學開展碩士研究生專案的合作,至今已成功運行近20年。邱教授在國內主持了大量的諮詢與培訓專案,包括為世界旅遊組織、中國酒店業協會、香港中國旅行社、廣州酒店業協會等旅遊機構提供培訓服務。分別在2000年與2002年主持了世界旅遊組織的諮詢專案,為雲南省與黑龍江省設計總體的旅遊規劃。隨著互聯網年代高科技的發展,邱教授應香港理工大學高層邀請出面主導教學創新。在短短一年時間裡, 她帶領她的團隊與美國麻省理工和哈佛大學創辦的edX 平臺合作研發創辦了全球首個國際酒店管理微碩士課程。該課程得到學界和業界的大力支持。目前來自全球一百七十多個國家的兩萬多人士已註冊參加學習。目前邱教授應香港聯合國教科文組織邀請出任主管持續教育的副會長。她期待通過互聯網年代高科技的發展推廣人類持續教育終身學習的理念。
1986.06-1986.12 南開大學經濟學院資料中心職員
1994.01-1995.08 中國香港香港理工大學助教
1995.08-1997.02 香港理工大學講師
1997.02-2005.05 香港理工大學助理教授
2005.05-2013.09 香港理工大學副教授
2013.09至今 香港理工大學教授
2018.04-2022.05 南開大學傑出教授、博導、院長
2022.06至今 浙大城市學院國際文化旅遊學院院長、特聘教授、博導
Professional Memberships:
聯合國教科文組織香港協會(UNESCO Hong Kong Association)副會長
Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism 主編
Courses Taught:
Research Area / Research Interests:
- 2015 The CHRIE John Wiley and Sons Award for Innovation in Teaching教學創新獎
- 2011 Thea Sinclaire Award for Journal Article Excellence (for papers published in Tourism Economics in 2010)最佳論文獎
- 2009 APAC-CHRIE Best Poster最佳海報獎
- 2008 Euro-CHRIE Conference Best Paper最佳會議論文獎
- 2007 PolyU Public Policy Research Institute Best Consultancy Award最佳諮詢獎
- 2005 The 4th Asia Pacific Forum for Graduate Students Research in Tourism Best Paper 最佳會議論文獎
- 2005 PolyU Public Policy Research Institute Best Consultancy Award最佳諮詢獎
- 1995 CHRIE Conference Best Paper最佳會議論文獎
Recent Major Publications (recent 5 years):
- Pearl Lin, Zhang Qiu Hanqin, Cathy Gu, and Ken Peng (2017).“To go or not to go: Travel constraints and attractiveness of outbound Chinese tourists to Japan”. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, DOI: 10.1080/10548408.2017.1327392. SSCI
- Fan, Daisy XF, Zhang, Qiu Hanqin, Jenkins, Carson. L., & Lin, Pearl MC (2017).“Does Tourist–Host Social Contact Reduce Perceived Cultural Distance?.”Journal of Travel Research, DOI: 0047287517696979. SSCI
- Fan, Daisy XF, Zhang, Qiu Hanqin, Jenkins, Carson L., and Tavitiyaman Pimtong (2017). “Tourist Typology in Social Contact: An Addition to Existing Theories.”Tourism Management, Vol. 60, pp 357-366. SSCI
- Zhang, Qiu Hanqin, and Kulendran, Nada (2016).“The Impact of Climate Variables on Seasonal Variation in Hong Kong Inbound Tourism Demand.”Journal of Travel Research, DOI: 0047287515619692. SSCI
- Zhang, Qiu Hanqin, Fan, Daisy XF, Tse, Tony SM, and King, Brian (2016).“Creating a Scale for Assessing Socially Sustainable Tourism.”Journal of Sustainable Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2016.1173044. SSCI
- Luo, Jian Ming, Zhang, Qiu Hanqin, and Lam, Chi Fung (2016).“Urbanization Impacts on Regional Tourism Development: A Case Study in China.”Current Issues in Tourism, Vol. 19. No. 3, pp 282-295. SSCI
- Ren, Lianping, Zhang, Qiu Hanqin, Wang, Peilai, and Lin, Pearl MC (2016). “Exploring Customer Experience with Budget Hotels: Dimensionality and Satisfaction.” International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 52, pp 13-23. SSCI
- Zhang, Qiu Hanqin, Ye, Ben Haobin, Bai, Billy, and Wang, Wei Heng (2015). “Do the Roles of Switching Barriers on Customer Loyalty Vary for Different Types of Hotels?” International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 46, pp 89-98. SSCI
- Goh, Carey, Li, Hengyun, and Zhang, Qiu Hanqin (2015). “Achieving Balanced Regional Development in China: Is Domestic or International Tourism More Efficacious?” Tourism Economics, Vol. 21. No. 2, pp 369-386. SSCI
- Li, Mimi, Zhang, Qiu Hanqin, Xiao, Honggen, and Chen, Yong (2015). “A Grid‐group Analysis of Tourism Motivation.” International Journal of Tourism Research, Vol. 17. No. 1, pp 35-44. SSCI
- Mao, Iris Yue, and Zhang, Qiu Hanqin (2014). “Structural Relationships among Destination Preference, Satisfaction and Loyalty in Chinese Tourists to Australia.” International Journal of Tourism Research, Vol. 16. No. 2, pp 201-208. SSCI
- Ye Ben Haobin, Zhang, Qiu Hanqin, Shen James Hua Wen, and Goh Carey (2014). “Does Social Identity Affect Residents’ Attitude toward Tourism Development?: An Evidence from the Relaxation of the Individual Scheme.” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 26. No. 6, pp907-929. SSCI
- Yan, York Qi, Zhang, Qiu Hanqin, and Ye Ben Haobin (2014). “Assessing the Impacts of the High-speed Train on Tourism Demand in China.” Tourism Economics, Vol. 20. No. 1, pp 157-169. SSCI
- Ye, Ben Haobin, Zhang, Qiu Hanqin, and Yuen, Peter P. (2013). “Cultural Conflicts or Cultural Cushion?” Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. 43, pp 321-349. SSCI
- Zhang, Qiu Hanqin, Yuan, Jingxue, Ye, Ben Haobin, and Huang, Kam (2013). “Wine Tourism Phenomena in China: An Emerging Market.” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 25. No. 7, pp 1115-1134.SSCI
- Zhang, Qiu Hanqin, Luo, Jian Ming, Xiao, Qu, and Basak Denizci Guillet (2013). “The Impact of Urbanization on Hotel Development: Evidence from Guangdong Province in China.” International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 34. No. 1, pp 92-98. SSCI
- Zhang, Qiu Hanqin, Ren, Lianping, Shen, Huawen, and Xiao, Qu (2013). “What Contributes to the Success of Home Inns in China?” International Journal of Hospitality Management. Vol. 33. No.1, pp 425-434. SSCI
- Gao, Wendy, Zhang, Qiu Hanqin, and Lespoir, Pastrick (2012), “Phantasmal Tourism: A Post-Modernist Perspective,”Annals of Tourism Research. Vol.39. No.1, pp 197-220. SSCI
- Tavitiyaman, Pimtong, Zhang, Qiu Hanqin, and Qu Hailin (2012), “The Effect of Competitive Strategies and Organizational Structure on Hotel Performances”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. Vol.24. No.1, pp 140-159. SSCI
- Zhang, Qiu Hanqin, Denizci, Basak, and Gao, Wendy (2012), “What Determines Multinational Hotel Group’s Locational Investment Choice in China?” International Journal of Hospitality Management. Vol.31. No.2, pp 350-359. SSCI
Research Projects (recent 5 years):
- 2012-2014 The Impact of Climate Change on Tourism Seasonal Demand for Hong Kong Tourism Industry
- 2010-2012 Switching Costs, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty in the Hong Kong Hotel Industry
- 2014-2015 Towards Sustainability: Exploring the Social and Economic Dimensions of Travel to Hong Kong by Mainland Chinese (HK$428,490)
- 2009-2012 Making Customers Coming Back and Staying Longer in Hong Kong Hotels: The Optimal Utilization of Switching Costs.
- 2004-2007 Visitation Influence on Perceived Destination Image of Hong Kong: Evidence from Individual Mainland Chinese Outbound Travelers.
- 2000-2004 Mainland Chinese Travel Demand Patterns for Hong Kong Tourism Industry
- 2013-2014 Tourism Academic Advancement and Success of Higher Education, funded by Zhejiang University and PolyU Development Fund.
- 2008-2011 China's Wine Tourism Industry: Structural Dimensions and Wine Tourism Product.
- 2007-2009 Measuring the Impact of Tourism Marketing Expenditure on Inbound Hong Kong Tourism Demand.
- 2005-2007 Factors Affecting the Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises: Travel Agents in China.
- 1999-2001 An Empirical Analysis of Tourism Policy Implementation in Mainland China.
- 1996-2000 The Underlying Factors Affecting International Tourist Travel to Hong Kong and Singapore.
- 1995-1998 Factors Influencing International Tourist Arrivals in Hong Kong.
- 2016 Assessment of Marketing Channels used by Hong Kong and Macau residents when travelling to China, funded by China National Tourism Administration.
- 2014-2015 Towards Sustainability: Exploring the Social and Economic Dimensions of Travel to Hong Kong by Mainland Chinese, funded by Central Policy Unit - The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
- 2015 Survey on Hong Kong and Macau Senior Residents Traveling to Mainland China, funded by China National Tourism Administration.
- 2014 Survey on Hong Kong and Macau Young Working Residents Traveling to Mainland China, funded by China National Tourism Administration.
- 2014-2016 Developing Hong Kong as a Luxury Shopping Destination.
- 2008-2011 Travel Motivation: A Cultural Analysis.
- 1999-2002 An Empirical Study of Managers' Work Attitude in Fast Food Industry in Hong Kong: An Analytical Assessment.
- 1999-2001 Growth of China's Hotel Chains and their Future Expansion.
- 2007-2008 Independent Analysis and Reporting for the Public Engagement Exercise on The Recommendations of the Consultative Committee on the Core Arts and Cultural Facilities of the West Kowloon Cultural District, Funded by Home Affairs Bureau of HKSAR.
- 2006-2007 Independent Analysis and Reporting for the Public Engagement Exercise For the Tamar Development, Funded By HKSAR Government Secretary.
- 2005-2006 Report on Analysis of Public Views on the Development of West Kowloon Cultural District, Funded By Home Affairs Bureau of HKSAR.
- 2004-2006 Assessment of Hotel Reservation and Property Management Systems: Directions for Medium and Long-term Development for Garden Hotel and Guangzhou Ning Nan Company.
Other Projects (Professional and Commercial):
- 2004-2006 Feasibility study on the operation of branding and cooperate image for Garden Hotel in Guangzhou China.
- 2005-2006 Consultant for Shunde Polytechnic on Curriculum Design.
- 2002-2003 Consultant for China Travel Hotel Management Services H.K. Ltd. in revising and updating its Operational Manuals
- 2002-2003 World Tourism Organization Consultant on Education and Human Resource Development in Heilongjiang province, China.
- 2000-2001 World Tourism Organization Consultant on Education and Human Resource Development in Yunnan province, China.