The First Academic Seminar 2017/2018 was held successfully by FITM

On 12th September, the First Academic Seminar was held by Faculty of International Tourism and Management of City University of Macau at HG03. Prof. Michael Hitchcock from Goldsmiths University of London was invited to be the keynote speaker. Prof. Shu Guang Zhang, Rector of City University of Macau awarded our

guest Certificate of Distinguished Professor. Prof. Michael Hitchcock shared his study on “the Chinese Female Tourist Gaze: Implications of a Study in Macau”.

Students showed great interest in this topic, and were eager to ask questions during the Q&A session. At the end of the seminar, Dr. Gavin Chau, Executive

Associate Dean of FITM (City U) presented souvenir to our honorable speaker.


Dr. James H.W. Shen, Program Coordinator of FITM, Ms. Emico Zhang, Domestic & International Affairs Officer of FITM, as well as FITM students and faculty

members attended this seminar.



Prof. Shu Guang Zhang, Rector of City University of Macau (Left) awarded Certificate of Distinguished Professor to Prof. Michael Hitchcock (Right).



Group photo after the seminar