English Corner Workshop (2) FITM and FED, City University of Macau

Since the successful beginning of the English Corner activity in March 2015, which is organized by The Faculty of International Tourism and Management as well

as the Faculty of Education, this activity has received much more attention among students. This month, two English Corner activities, Easter Festival and Fantastic Holiday, were well organized on April 9th and 23th.


In the first English Corner, the host Matimba started the interactions from sharing a short video about Easter Festival. All the participants freely shared their life

experiences in the Easter holiday. Then, a debate about whether current festivals have been over commercialized was initiated. All the students were divided into

two sides, respectively led by Matimba and Kessy. After discussing with team members, student representatives on both sides expressed their viewpoints, based

on their experiences in Easter Festival, Chinese Lunar New Year, and Valentine’s Day. The presenters got an Easter chocolate as a small gift. Finally, the host

encouraged the participants to share their expectations to English Corner. The whole activity ended by personal sharing and talented shows.


The second English Corner, Fantastic Dream Holiday, was hosted by Soukaina and Ivanka. It started with a small game “I describe you draw”. All the participants were divided into two groups,The Masters and The Blues. The team members described a picture they had, and the team leader draw in the white board. Finally,

The Master group won the competition, and got a small gift for travelling. Then, the whole activity jumped into another game, “I describe you guess”. A student

representative described his/her most impressive travelling experiences, and let others guess where it was. During this conversation process, students tried their

best to use English to describe their most favorite place. Finally, the English Corner moved to the debate section. Focusing on travelling alone or group travelling, all the participants expressed their perspectives.


Since April, 2015, the title of this activity, English Corner, switched to, English Workshop. The Faculty hopes that this activity not only provides a learning

community for students to improve their oral English, but also to stimulates students’ English potential. Through joining diverse English debate and interactions,

students’self-confidence and their English proficiency can be both improved.


