FITM Doctoral Candidate Shares Research Findings at Sino-European Conference on Tourism

Zeng Tao, a Doctoral Candidate of FITM City U, recently attended the 4th Sino-European conference on Tourism held by Committee of the Sino-European

Conference on Tourism in Angers University, France, which attracted hundreds of scholars and experts from around the world.

Zeng Tao presented his thesis--On the Differences in Casino CustomerMotivation--a Case Study of Macau Casinos. In his presentation, Zeng Tao introduced the

current situation of the gaming industry in Macau, analyzed the relations between population characters and different gambling motivations, and provided

targeted conclusions and suggestions. The research findings gained affirmation from other participants and were deemed as a valuable reference for the

diversified development of Macau, as well as the building of a World Leisure Center.


As a representative of FITM City U, Zeng Tao showed the specialized research fields and findings of the faculty to the international academia. This event benefits

the promotion of the international popularity and influence of FITM City U and promotes researches on the development mechanism of gaming industry in



Ever since its establishment in 2011, FITM City U puts forward the exploration of international exchange channels and the internationalized construction of

tourism disciplines and professions. FITM teachers and students are always encouraged by the faculty to enhance their academic competence by attending

international academic conferences and seminars.


