Internship Opportunities from International Enterprises for FITM Students

The FITM City U recently held a series of internship program presentations for graduating students. The internship opportunities, provided by internationally

known tourism enterprises, will help graduating students to integrate theory with practice, gain experience in the industry, and fully comprehend the new trends

and hot spots of the development of the hotel industry. Executives of the local branches of the enterprises personally visited the faculty for the internship

program presentations. 


The first presentation, delivered by HR Director and Vice-General Manager of IHG, the largest hotel chain group of the world, was recently held at the Ho Yin

Convention Center Taipa Campus. The presentation introduced the development, brand, and philosophy of the group and explained all the questions the interns may be concerned about. The presentation attracted nearly 200 students and aroused intense discussion and interaction. According to the Vice-General Manager of IHG, the group will provide dozens of posts in eight different departments for the half year internship program. IHG was confident that the well designed

rotating internship will enhance the students’comprehension of specific job duties in different departments,  help them find ideal positions to better plan for

their career.


The effort the FITM City U puts in industry-academy cooperation has wide recognition and support from the industry. Many graduating students are delighted

and motivated by the opportunities of taking part in the internship programs provided by world-class enterprises.




Manager of IHG introducing the internship program




FITM introducing matters needing attention




FITM students at the presentation