FITM Student Received a Cross-cultural exchange lesson in the FSU

Twelve FITM City U students were awarded a great opportunity of an internship program at the Florida State University (FSU) in cooperation with Walt Disney World (WDW) in Orlando, U.S.A. Accompanied by the FITM Program Coordinator, Dr. Eusebio Leou, and senior lecturer, Ms. Maggie Yung, all enrolled participants arrived at FSU in Tallahassee and started their preparatory courses in preparation for the Internship at WDW in the next six months.

The Center for Global Engagement (CGE), FSU is the host of the mentioned program. CGE has established long-term cooperation with many other universities and colleges all over the world. CGE takes great care of international students and plans for a considerable schedule for students. FSU had arranged for accommodations and transportation from the Tallahassee airport to the dormitory. After arriving at FSU, all participants were deeply impressed not only by the splendid view of FSU, but by the pleasant surprise waiting at the dormitories. Everything, from transportation arrangement, orientation, housing, schedule arrangement, leisure activities planning, daily shopping, meals arrangement, so impressed the students.

In order to help the foreign student interns adapt to the new environment, the CGE arranged for four peer mentors to guide the students from morning till night. Students enjoy the energetic American campus life style, their confidence and sense of independence. Faced with an unfamiliar environment, students may have to deal with some culture conflicts, and the peer mentors are great help. They guide students patiently, even on a one-on-one basis, for problem solving and consultations. The help and understanding between students and peer mentors allow Asian students to know and understand  the American culture better. They are also able to establish good relationships with others in a short time. Four peer mentors have created lots of memorable time for students. They have planned ice breakers, school tour, movies, bowling, campus picnic, ice-cream party, dancing party and many other amazing activities. Through these activities, students enjoyed a totally different school life at FSU.  Also, these activities enable students to assimilate into the American culture quickly as well as give them primary and abundant preparation for their upcoming internship at WDW. At the end of class, peer mentors also organized a Talent Show where students from all over the world had the opportunity to display their own culture and diversified talents.  Students took the golden chance to say thanks to peer mentors for their contagious enthusiasm and great help.

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