The academic paper "How Is Intangible Cultural Heritage Valued in the Eyes of Inheritors? Scale Development and Validation" written by Su
Xinwei, a doctoral student of Class 2017 from FITM, was published in the SSCI journal: Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research (Volume 44
Issue 5, 2020). This paper is part of Su Xinwei's doctoral dissertation series. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research is an authoritative
international tourism journal with an impact factor of 3.816 (Q1) in 2019. In addition to being included in the Social Sciences Citation Index
(SSCI), it is also the source of journals for databases such as Current Contents, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Essential Science Indicators.
The paper takes intangible cultural heritage (ICH) tourism resources as the background. The inheritors who are at the core of the ICH
stakeholders are selected as objects, and the value cognition of the ICH inheritors is discussed from the perspective of sustainable
development of ICH tourism. By interviewing inheritors and searching for relevant charters, official documents and related references, a scale question bank is constructed. After multiple rounds of purification, and reliability and validity testing, the paper develops a scale of 25 items
and discusses potential applications of the scale.