International Tourism and Hotel Management student Visit Listed Innovative Technology Enterprise-Experience the Brain-Computer Interface Metaverse

To give students a better understanding of the application of the Internet of Things and the understanding of new technologies, Joanna

Leung, adjunct lecturer at the Faculty of International Tourism and Management (FITM), led undergraduate students to study visit the

BoardWare Information Systems Co Ltd, located in Hengqin, on March 17, 2023. This is an experiential learning course of "the Internet of

Things and Business Services".


Ms. Hoi, director of BoardWare Information System Co., LTD., co-founder and executive director of Barco Technology and Mr. Chi, project

leader, first introduced to the students the Barco Technology under BoardWare Information System Co., LTD., and the basic concept of new

technology currently developed: brain-computer interaction (BCI) technology, as well as its advantages. At the same time, Ms. Hoi and Mr. Chi further discussed with students about the core products of BCI technology, its application to different markets, and future industry

development trends.



Seminar introducing the Brain-Computer Interface Metaverse Technology



During the visit, students actively asked questions and discussed specific applications.

For example, the structure and signal transmission connection of the brain-computer interface headset, Barco Technology has solved this pain point by using a high-precision electrical signal processor with an "eight-channel" designed for EEG acquisition and decoding. At the same

time, the students also had further discussions with Ms. Hoi and Mr. Chi on the implementation of the corresponding application scenarios in the demand-side market. Ms. Hoi and Mr. Chi said it will be widely used in the future, whether on the B, G, or C ends.



Students actively asked questions during the seminar


Afterwards, Mr. Chi demonstrated the company's two core applications: Metaverse scene control with Brain Headset and Consciousness

control wheelchair with Brain Headset, which gave students a better understanding and experience of the application of the Internet of Things and metaverse: the EEG recognition technology is used to realize behavior control and equipment control in the real world and virtual world,

so as to truly follow one's heart and act at will.



Metaverse control & real world control with Brain Headset demonstration



Consciousness control wheelchair with Brain Headset demonstration


Finally, Joanna Leung, adjunct lecturer of FITM, summarized the visit with the class. Based on the application of the Internet of Things and the metaverse, this visit successfully allowed undergraduate students to know the existing applications and future development of the current

metaverse and the Internet of Things, and let students have a further understanding of the Internet of Things, brain-computer interface and

the metaverse through experiential learning. It was a rewarding experience for the course “the Internet of Things and Business Services”.



Group photo