Wendy Gao, Associate Professor and Program Coordinator (Bachelor) (Ph.D Supervisor)



Office:  5F, Building N                                                                 

Tel.:      8590-2867                                                                     

E-mail:  wendygao@cityu.edu.mo                                                          


Academic Qualification:                                                                               

Ph.D., The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

MBA in Hospitality Management, Victoria University, Melbourne Australia

MBA in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing, Victoria University, Melbourne Australia


Working Experience                                                                             

From 2021/08 to Present         City University of Macau (Associate Professor)

From 2017/09 to 2021/08        City University of Macau (Assistant Professor)

From 2014/09 to 2017/08        Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College

                                                    (Assistant Professor)

From 2012/09 to 2014/06        Macau University of Science and Technology (Assistant Professor)

From 2004/10 to 2006/06        Macau University of Science and Technology (Lecturer)

From 2002/12 to 2004/10        Holiday Inn Zhuhai, China (Training Manager, active HR Manager)

                                                    Grand Bay View Hotel Zhuhai, China (Beverage Manager)                                                                                                                                                                                        


Teaching Area          

Research Methods

Hotel and Resort Operation

Travel Service Management

Food & Beverage Operation Management

New Brand Development and Management

Customer Relationship Management 


Research Area                                                                               

Service quality control and innovation in tourism product

Customer experience in hospitality and tourism industry

Culture tourism

Smart tourism

Brand management for small to medium enterprises in service industry


Professional Certification and Awards

2019/2020 Online Teaching  Award

2019/2020 Teaching Recognition

2019  Best Paper Award  at the International Conference on Interdisciplinary, Social Science. Business and Economics, Education and Technology, July 13-14, Penang, Malaysia.

2017/2018 City University of Macau outstanding Research Award and Recognition

2016 Best Paper Award at  the 6th International Conference on Tourism, June 29-July 2, 2016, Naples, Italy

2008 Best Paper Award at the creation of tourist space, Presented at Euro CHRIE Conference, October 10-14, 2008, Dubai, UAE.

Certified Hospitality Educator (CHE)/American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute/USA


Professional Society Membership

Global Academic-Industrial Cooperative Society Linking Academics and Industries Together - International Advisory Committee

Editoral Board Member of the International Journal of Business in Sports, Tourism & Hospitality Management

Associação Promotora do Desenvolvimento do Ensino Superior de Macau


Academic Publication

Journal Paper

  • Liu, M., Rodríguez, M.J.D., Wendy Gao, B., & Bu, N. (2022). The influence of perceived demand and perceived value result on tourist's behavioral tendencies: in the context of customized tourism. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 28(4), 1-16.
  • Jiang, J., Gao, B.W. and Su, X. (2022). Antecedents of tourists’ environmentally responsible behavior: The Perspective of Awe. Frontiers in Psychology 13. (Correspondence) (SSCI, Q1)
  • Gao, B. W., Zhu, C., Song, H., & Dempsey, I. M. B. (2022). Interpreting the perceptions of authenticity in virtual reality tourism through postmodernist approach. Information Technology & Tourism, 24(1), 31-55. (SSCI, Q2)
  • Gao, B.W., Long, S.Y., Hu, K. (In press). 從遊客的視覺探索澳門與世界旅遊休閒中心的距離 [Exploring the gaps between Macau and the World Center of Tourism and Leisure from tourists' perspective]. Journal of City Research of Macau.
  • Wei, R.Y. and Gao, B.W. (2020). The influence of celebrity reality show on audiences’ travel intentions. The International Journal of Business in Sports, Tourism & Hospitality Management, 1 (2), 81-102. (Correspondence)
  • Gao, B.W., Jiang, J. and Tang, Y. (2020). The Effect of Blended Learning Platform and Engagement on Students’ Satisfaction – the case from the tourism management teaching. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education27, 100272. (SSCI, Q2)
  • Wu, J., Li, X., Gao, B.W., Su, X. (2020). The Effects of Serious Leisure Involvement on Subjective Well-being and Successful Aging: A Case Study of Young-old Participants in Chinese Seniors' Universities. Sage Open, 10 (1), 2158244020914559. (SSCI, Q2)
  • Yan, L., Gao, B.W. and Zhang, M. (2017). A mathematical model for tourism potential assessment. Tourism ManagementVol.63, 355-365. (Correspondence) (SSCI, Q1)
  • Gao, B.W. and Lai, K.W. (2015). The effects of transaction-specific satisfactions and integrated satisfaction on customer loyalty. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 44, 38-47. (SSCI, Q1)
  • Gao, B.W., Zhang, H.Q. and L’Espoir Decosta, P. (2012). Phantasmal destination: A post-modernist perspective. Annals of Tourism Research, 39(1), 197-220. (SSCI, Q1)
  • Zhang, H.Q., Guillet, B. D., and Gao, B.W. (2012). What determines multinational hotel groups' locational investment choice in China? International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(2), 350-359. (SSCI, Q1)
  • Guillet, B.D., Zhang, H.Q. and Gao, B.W. (2011). Interpreting the Mind of Multinational Hotel Investors: Future Trends & Implications in China, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30 (2), 222-232. (SSCI, Q1)


Conference Paper:

  • Zhu, Z. and Gao, B.W. (2020). Rethinking the existential authenticity for tourists in using virtual and augmented reality technologies. Presented at the APacCHRIE, Oct. 27-28, Hong Kong SAR.
  • Gao, B.W., Chan, G., Chau, G., Long, S. and Wang, R. (2019). Does the World Center of Tourism and Leisure Exist? From both Experts and Tourists Perspectives. Presented at the International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports Management (HTSM), Aug. 28-30, Osaka, Japan. ISSN 2518-0797
  • Chan, G., Gao, B.W. and Su, L. (2019). Effectiveness of using key opinion leaders on the purchase intention to tourism product in China. Presented at the International Conference on Interdisciplinary, Social Science. Business and Economics, Education and Technology Conference, July 13-14, Penang, Malaysia. eisbn:978-967-16956-1-6. Best Paper Award.
  • Wang, R. and Gao, B.W. (2019). Effect of Exhibitor-Visitor Interaction and the Perceived Value of the Exhibition on Revisit Intention. Presented at the 86th Daejeon International Conference-Pan Asia International Tourism Conference (PAITOC), July 4-6, Daejeon, Korea. ISBN: 978-981-13-8067-9
  • Xu, X. and Gao, B.W. (2019). The Construction of Practical Curriculum System for Hospitality Management of Applied Undergraduate College: Based on Guangdong, Hong Kong-Macau Bay Area. Presented at the Second Postgraduate Forum of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, May 24, Macau SAR, China. ISBN: 978-99981-944-0-3
  • Gao, B.W. (2018). Understanding the travel barriers of patients for leisure tourism. Presented at the International Conference of Mobilities, Health, Wellbeing and Tourism, Nov. 30 – Dec. 2, Guangzhou, China.
  • Gao, B.W., Yan, L., and Zhang, M. (2016). Methodology Considerations on Tourism Potential Assessment of Heritage Sites. Presented at the 6th International Conference on Tourism, June 29-July 2, Naples, Italy, in proceedings: ISSN 2241-9314/ISBN: 978-618-81503-1-7, Best Paper Award
  • Gao, B.W., Fei, S.Y. and Lai, K.W. (2014). Destination personality of Macau in the eyes of Mainland Chinese tourists. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Tourism, June 25-28, Dalian, China.
  • Gao, B.W., Lai, K.W. and Jang, S.Y. (2013). The impacts of service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction on recommendation for luxury casino hotels in Macau. Presented at the 6th International Colloquium on Tourism & Leisure, August 19-22, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Gao, B.W., Lai, K.W. and Jang, S.Y. (2013). The effects of satisfaction with entertainment capitals on tourists' revisit intention to integrated resorts in Macau. Presented at the TOSOK International Tourism Conference, July 2-5, Seoul, Korea. 
  • Gao, B.W. and Zhang, H. Q. (2009). Dream destination: a concept and perception of leisure travelers, Presented at the International CHRIE Conference, July 29 – Aug 1, San Francisco, California, USA.
  • Zhang, H.Q. and Gao, B.W. (2008). The effect of cognitive spatial and temporal distance in the creation of tourist space, Presented at Euro CHRIE Conference, October 10-14, Dubai, UAE. Best Paper Award.

Research Project:

  • 探索混合現實(Mixed Reality)技術在大灣區旅遊與酒店管理專業教學中的應用研究 (高等教育基金,TET-CITYU-2021-01, Principal Investigator)
  • 虛擬現實技術對世界文化遺產地遊客體驗和行為的影響研究:大灣區為例(MF2024, Principal Investigator)
  • 澳門基金會 - 基於計算社會科學技術建構澳門旅遊網絡路與情指標體系(MF1910)(Participated)
  • 促進澳門建設粵港澳大灣區旅遊教育培訓基地聯盟 - 大灣區酒店服務機械人發展研究 (第一階段) (FITM Research 1901)(Participated)
  • Exploring the role should Macau play in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GHMGBA) (Project code: MF1820, Principal Investigator)
  • The historical village development in Guangdong province of China (Project code: 2015YB024 (R1045), Principal Investigator)
  • The influence of distance and perception of marketing campaigns on the motivation of tourists to visit Macau (Project code: RTAO-28-0344, Principal Investigator)
  • The impact of hospitality environment and service quality on customer satisfaction (Project code: 0250E-l017#-1, Principal Investigator) 
  • Branding catering services for Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants and Trade (participated)